7 Easy Steps on How to give yourself a face massage

Facial massages are a complementary part of basic facials or whole body massages and don’t you wish those gentle touches in your face to never stop? Thankfully, we can now experience face massages at home, in our car or even at work, without professional help.

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Start experiencing the health benefits of facial massages. Do these quick and easy steps to give yourself a personal face massage.

This five minute facial massage routine is easy to do and memorize. Take out your favorite facial moisturizer and lets do these steps together.

Step 1

• Read through these steps and close your eyes while doing these motions.
• Place the tip of both ring fingers in the middle of your T-zone, just between the eyebrows.
• Now slowly make circular motions with your fingers around your face, like your drawing imaginary glasses on yourself.
• Continue this motion in a circular pattern towards your chin.

Step 2

• Take your middle finger and find your cheekbones on each side. Gently press on it and do a light circular motion.
• Move your fingers, by lifting them from the starting part and doing the same process towards the upper portions of your cheekbone.
• Repeat this steps until you get near your ear.

Step 3

• Now place your thumb on the side of your nostril and place your remaining fingers on your forehead.
• Now do a pendulum motion with your thumb. Swaying from the nostril to the ear.
• Repeat this step in the same starting point each time. Avoid the delicate part of your eyes and do not tug on the skin

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Step 4

• Place all your fingers except your thumbs on the top of your chin. Place your thumb under your jaw line.
• Gently press down and rotate your fingers without moving your thumb.
• Work your way up to your jaw line and your ear. Do not drag your fingers but lift your fingers.

Step 5

• Place your palm in a V position under your chin.
• Gently tap your palm in flicking motion towards your whole jaw line.

Step 6

• This is a fun and easy step. Simply place your fingertips all over your face.
• Tapping like your typing in a computer. Do this on your cheeks, nose and your neck.

Step 7

• Finish your facial massage by stroking the back of your hand upward from your chest to your chin. Do this with alternate hands.

Face massages are great for the skin. It enhances elasticity, lessens wrinkles, increases blood flow, removes toxins, lifts muscles and gives clearer skin.

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