8 Natural Home Remedies for Gastritis

Gastritis is best defined as the irritation, erosion, and inflammation of the stomach lining which is also known as the gastric mucosa. Part or all gastric mucosa can be affected which means that gastritis can either be chronic or acute. Gastritis is usually caused by the same bacteria that are linked to ulcers. Consuming too much alcohol, injury, and even certain pain killers can lead to this problem. The symptoms linked with gastritis may vary depending from one person to the next while others don’t have any symptoms at all.

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Among the symptoms associated with gastritis are gnawing or burning feeling in the stomach at night or in between meals, heartburn, lack of appetite, bloating, the feeling of being full in the upper portion of the abdomen, indigestion, and dark stools.

Those who are at risk of suffering from gastritis are those who consume a lot of alcohol, adults who are older, and those who have conditions such as Crohn’s disease, AIDS/HIV, including those that are infected by parasites. Those who are stressed and with fungal or viral infection can also be prone to gastritis.

Here are 8 remedies that you can try to relieve and even prevent gastritis.

  1. Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea can help provide relief for gastritis. The essential oils are known to help soothe the walls of the intestine in order to eliminate gas as well as provide relief from the sudden pain. It can also minimize inflammation in the stomach and prevent ulcers from occurring. Try adding 1 to 2 teaspoons of chamomile flowers (dried) to a cup of hot water. Cover the cup and let the flowers steep for 5 to 10 minutes before straining the mixture. Add honey and drink several times.

  1. Ginger

Ginger is useful in relieving gastritis due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Aside from treating the infection and minimizing inflammation, it can also lessen the severity of symptoms such as gas, nausea, indigestion, stomach pain, and even bloating. Try this out: add a teaspoon of ginger root, freshly chopped, to a cup of boiling water. Cover the cup and let the ginger root steep for about 10 minutes. Strain it and then add some honey. You should drink it 2 to 3 times in a day. Another trick is to mix ½ tablespoon of honey and ginger juice and take it before your meals. This should be twice in a day. You can also take ginger in capsule form or chew on ginger to help fight gastritis. Keep in mind that ginger can interfere with medications for elevated blood pressure as well as blood-thinning.

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  1. Yogurt

Yogurt is quite popular because of its numerous benefits. The probiotics found in yogurt can give protection to your stomach lining against the H.pylori bacteria that is known to cause gastritis. It is also known to enhance the immune system so you’ll be able to fight off any infection. Try consuming 2 to 3 cups of plain yogurt with probiotic every day until you feel relief. You can also make a smoothie by mixing honey, yogurt, and banana and drink it twice or thrice in a day.

  1. Fennel Seeds

Aside from making the muscles in the gastrointestinal tract relax and soothing the digestive system, fennel seeds are also useful in treating gastritis. Fennel seeds are quite handy in treating symptoms such as bloating, heartburn, indigestion, intestinal gas, and vomiting. What you should do is add a teaspoon of fennel seeds into a cup of hot water. Cover it first and let the seeds step for about 10 minutes. Strain before adding honey. Drink this mixture three times in a day for about a week. You can also chew the seeds after you eat to help ease gastritis symptoms.


  1. Carom Seeds

Carom seeds are basically nature’s antacid which means that they are handy when treating gastritis. It can help give relief to the mucous membrane of your stomach against hyperacidity. These seeds can also treat indigestion, bloating, and nausea. Here’s what you should do. Mix a teaspoon of dried ginger and a teaspoon of carom seeds with a pinch of black salt. Take a teaspoon of this mixture along with a glass of warm water three times within the day. You can also add ½ teaspoon of black salt and a teaspoon of carom seeds to a glass filled with buttermilk and drink it two times in a day. You can also add 4 teaspoons of carom seeds in two cups of water then boil it until it is reduced by half. Strain then drink half a cup of the mixture 2 times in a day. You can use any of these steps until you feel relief from gastritis.

  1. Strawberries

Strawberries are also useful in treating gastritis because of their phonelic compounds and antioxidants. It can prevent inflammation in the stomach’s lining. European researchers, back in 2011, they have concluded that consuming strawberries regularly can help minimize the effects of alcohol on the stomach’s mucous membrane. You might want to try adding a tablespoon of strawberry leaves (dried) to a cup filled with hot water. Let it steep for about 5 minutes before straining. Drink the mixture 2 to 3 times in a day until the symptoms of gastritis disappears. You can also eat a few strawberries daily to keep gastritis at bay.

  1. Peppermint

Due to the antibacterial, antispasmodic, and anti-inflammatory properties of peppermint, it is often recommended when treating gastritis. The soothing properties of peppermint can help relieve inflammation in the lining of the stomach while at the same time relieve indigestion, nausea, and heartburn. The first thing you should do is to get a recommendation from your doctor when taking enteric and standardized peppermint tablets. Usually 1 to 2 tablets taken 2 to 3 times in a day is suggested. The enteric coated peppermint tablets can help prevent heartburn. You can either add peppermint leaves to your salads, smoothies, and soups or chew fresh mint leaves.

  1. Holy Basil

It has been discovered that basil can help treat acute gastritis. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help in reducing infection and inflammation due to the H.pylori bacteria. This herb is also capable of treating indigestion, nausea, vomiting, and stomach pain. Try chewing 4 to 5 holy basil leaves slowly to help relieve pain in the stomach. You can do this every day for a few weeks. You can also mix a teaspoon of ginger juice and a teaspoon of holy basil juice and drink it 2 to 3 times in a day. Another trick is to drink basil tea that has honey 3 times in a day for a couple of weeks. You only need to steep a teaspoon of basil leaves in a cup of hot water for 5 minutes then strain afterwards.

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