Circumcision Home Care and Remedies

Circumcision is the surgical removal of the prepuce or the foreskin of the penis. Not all cultures perform the procedure. In some territories, circumcision is not performed while in other areas, the procedure is done for hygiene purposes.

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Home Care Management, Tips, Remedies

Since circumcision is an operative procedure, infection is one of its complications. Hence, the following are the management methods, tips, and remedies post-circumcision.

Dressing Change

The penis is covered with dressing following the surgery; this is to protect it from microorganisms and prevent infection. For children, parents may change the wound dressing, depending on the instructions of the health care provider. Usually, it is done once a day; the person just removes the old dressing, applies antibiotic solution or ointment using a clean cotton or sterile gauze and then covers the penis again with a new and clean gauze.


Another management after circumcision is taking bath. As per About Kid’s Health, warm bath is done (in infants) daily for one week. The lubricant gauze is allowed to come off by itself, unless the doctor has already allowed it to be removed. If the gauze does not come off independently within a day, it may be soaked off in the bath. The penis may appear discolored with drop bloods or iodine solution, along with some pieces of skin at the tip.

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Homeopathic Methods

Homeopathy is one management following circumcision. According to Homeopathy Center, the person may apply calendula oil, ointment, or cream to the wound or to the gauze for when the diaper is changed; as per the publication, doing so prevents the dressing from sticking and it also considerably hastens the healing process. The person may also verify with the homeopathic pharmacy to prepare the agents in liquid form, which is the preparation of choice for newborns. Otherwise, the person may dissolve some remedy pellets or tablets in water and few drops of the resulting mixture are instilled in the baby’s mouth.


The doctor usually prescribes medications for pain and infection following circumcision; thus, the person should be compliant in taking the medications to prevent pain and infection. According to Drugs, the person should learn how to take the medicine, including how, how much, how often, and when it should be taken. Pain medications can be taken before pain becomes severe. Some pain medications can also make the person dizzy or sleepy, so someone should be present when the person gets out of bed for safety. Meanwhile, antibiotics should be taken exactly as ordered by the doctor. They should not be halted unless directed by the prescriber. It is a bad practice to save antibiotics or take leftover antibiotics that were provided for another illness.

For Infants

Babies have sensitive skin, so they should be handled with more care and watched out for signs and symptoms of infection. According to Web MD, the baby’s penis, scrotum, and groin may appear reddish brown due to the liquid used to clean the skin pre-operatively. Also, the penile shaft where the skin was removed will appear raw and mildly swollen due to trauma. As per the publication, the baby stays in the clinic or hospital for two to four hours following the procedure to check if the penis is bleeding. The area is usually covered with gauze and petroleum jelly. The gauze may also fall when the baby urinates, so one has to follow the instructions of the doctors on whether to put clean gauze on the baby’s penis or leave it off. Warm water may be used to soak the gauze and mildly loosen it if it has to be removed from the penis.

Circumcision is a surgical procedure, which requires maintenance of cleanliness with some principles of asepsis to prevent acquiring infection and surgical complications. Thus, it is best to follow health advice and seek medical consult or follow-up for adequate assessment, planning, intervention, education, and evaluation.

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