Effective Home Remedies for Baby Eczema

Babies have really sensitive skin so they are prone to getting all sorts of skin problems. Baby eczema is a condition that can easily make moms worried. The sight of red and obviously itchy patches on their little ones’ skin can be so heartbreaking.

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Also known as infant eczema, the condition is said to appear in 10 to 15% of children and usually shows up at about 2 to 6 months of life. There are a handful of reasons why babies develop eczema. One of them is when the production of fatty cells which serve as the skin’s protective barrier is not enough. With insufficient amounts of these fatty cells, the skin becomes really dry. Another common reason for baby eczema is heredity — the infant may suffer from the skin condition if one or both parents have it.

Fortunately, most cases of baby eczema are outgrown by little ones before they hit school age. Despite of this, it can be very disconcerting for parents to see their beautiful babies suffering from eczema.

In case your little bundle of joy is exhibiting baby eczema symptoms, it’s important to take him or her to the doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. There are also a few home remedies that are proven effective in dealing with the common skin condition. They are the following:

Give Your Baby Fewer and Shorter Baths

One of the triggering factors of baby eczema is skin dryness. It’s for this reason why your little one should be bathed less frequently. Also, bath times should be kept short. Opt for lukewarm water when giving your child a bath as hot water will only make the skin dry unnecessarily. It will also help a lot if you opt for plant-based soap which does not contain harsh chemicals known to dry up the skin and worsen eczema.

Let Your Child Soak in Water with Oatmeal

There are plenty of skin irritations or conditions that can be soothed by oatmeal, and one of them is baby eczema. Oatmeal is capable of relieving both inflammation and itchiness of the affected areas of your child’s skin. Simply dump about a cup of raw oatmeal in a blender and turn it into fine powder. Sprinkle into your baby’s tub filled with water. Agitate the water until it looks milky. Allow your baby to soak in it for 15 to 20 minutes.

Refrain From Using Products with Strong Chemicals

Allowing the skin of a baby suffering from eczema to come into contact with harsh chemicals is a no-no as it may only trigger flare ups. When shopping for baby soap, powder, wipes and other essentials, always opt for products containing gentle and all-natural ingredients. Many baby eczema-friendly products are available OTC. A pediatrician may also recommend some of the best ones for your little bundle of joy.

Dress Your Child in Loose Clothing Out of Cotton

The best clothes for infants — whether with baby eczema or none — are the ones made of 100% cotton. The natural fabric is not irritating to the skin, and at the same time permits the skin to “breathe” so babies always feel cool. It’s a good idea to go for loose clothing to keep skin contact and potential irritation to a minimum. Also, always remember to clean your baby’s clothes with mild detergents.

Apply Good Quality All-Natural Skin Moisturizer

Keeping the skin moisturized at all times is key to the relief and prevention of baby eczema. Look for something that lists ceramides as one of the ingredients as they help provide young skin with the protective barrier it needs. If you cannot come across one, it’s perfectly fine to opt for any skin moisturizer you can find — provided that it is fragrance-free and devoid of any strong chemical that may trigger an eczema flare up.

Gently Massage Coconut Oil on Affected Areas

A lot of moms swear by the efficacy of coconut oil in dealing with baby eczema. Gently massaging a few drops of this delightfully-smelling vegetable oil on those dry and inflamed patches of skin can work wonders. There’s another all-natural topical solution that is known to provide relief of baby eczema: breast milk.

Install a Humidifier in the Baby’s Room

Especially during dry and very cold seasons of the year, it’s a good idea to use a humidifier in your baby’s room. By keeping sufficient amounts of moisture in the air, your little one’s skin is less likely to end up dry and invite an eczema flare up. Get a hygrometer that you can easily buy at most home improvement stores to help ensure that the moisture levels stay anywhere from 35 to 50%.

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