Get to Know the Health Benefits of Noni Fruit

If you frequent health food stores, chances are you have already come across bottles noni juice — sometimes sweetened or unsweetened, other times diluted with berries or other juices with medicinal properties. Noni juice comes from an exotic fruit having the same name, prized for so many years now for its impressive nutritional profile and health benefits.

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Noni fruit comes from a tree that is said to originate in Southeast Asia and Polynesia, but is now widely grown in many of the planet’s tropical regions. In countries where the fruit is indigenous to, it is eaten either raw or ripe. Also, the fruit is used by traditional healers for dealing with a host of health problems, from joint pain, high blood pressure to diabetes.

So without further ado, let us delve into some of the health benefits of noni fruit:


It Strengthens the Immune System

According to studies, noni fruit strengthens one’s immunity by activating macrophages — components of the immune system that devour disease-causing microorganisms before they have the chance to wreak havoc to the health. In other words, the consumption of noni fruit can help considerably lower your risk of having an infection.


It Lessens Joint Pain and Inflammation

Noni fruit is known to possess both analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, making it highly beneficial for those who have arthritis. By using the tropical fruit known to have amazing medicinal properties, a person suffering from achy and swollen joints may attain relief without having to take NSAIDs that tend to come with really nasty side effects.


It Reduces Depression and Anxiety

Experts say that noni fruit may be advantageous for those who are suffering from depression and anxiety, and would like to tackle their problems naturally. The said fruit is known to increase the brain’s supply of serotonin, which is a type of neurotransmitter. Many cases of depression and anxiety is said to stem from insufficiency of serotonin in the brain.


It Also Promotes a Good Night’s Sleep

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Those who are suffering from insomnia may also rely on noni fruit. It’s for the scientifically-proven fact that the fruit widely grown in tropical regions of the planet helps boost the levels of melatonin. As you may already know, melatonin is a type of hormone that regulates your body’s sleep and wake cycle, which is directly controlled by your circadian rhythm.


It Helps Fight Cancer and Tumors

One of the most popular uses of noni fruit is fighting off various types of cancers and tumors, too. Due to the staggering amounts of phytochemicals the fruit has, this can be expected. Also, the consumption of noni fruit is said to boost nitric oxide, a type of gas with many health benefits like preventing the multiplication of cancer and tumor cells.


It Lowers High Blood Pressure, Too

Another benefit of nitric oxide that noni fruit boosts is it helps relax the walls of the blood vessels, thus causing the blood vessels to become dilated. This effect is particularly beneficial for people who are suffering from high blood pressure or hypertension. Having the blood pressure regulated can help reduce risks like organ damage as well as heart disease.


It Eases Problems with the Digestive System

Because noni fruit has good amounts of fiber, its addition to the diet can help keep at bay constipation. Similarly, experts say that the intake of the exotic fruit can reduce one’s risk of having hemorrhoids and colorectal cancer. A lot of people also swear by noni fruit’s ability to provide relief from the annoying symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome or IBS.


It Promotes Healthier Skin and Hair

The juice and most especially the pulp of noni fruit may be applied on the skin to combat fungal infections such as eczema, ringworm, jock itch and athlete’s foot. The same approach is also excellent for reversing various skin premature aging signs. Noni fruit may also be used topically to treat dandruff as well as to keep one’s mane thick and healthy.

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