Home Remedies for Excessive Salivation

Excessive salivation is known as “sialhorrea” in the medical world. This condition is either due to the hyperactivity of the salivary glands or the reduced capability of having the saliva swallowed. No matter the case, excessive salivation can be so embarrassing that the person suffering from it may avoid talking in front of other people.

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There are different probable root causes of this problem that may bug children and adults alike. According to medical authorities, some of the most common causes of excessive salivation include:

  • Mouth or throat infection
  • Inflammation of the mouth’s mucous lining (stomatitis)
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  • Pregnancy
  • New or ill-fitting dentures

Allergies, sinusitis, enlarged adenoids (lymphatic tissue at the back of the nose and throat) and tumors that have an impact on the movement of the lips and tongue can also cause excessive salivation because one of their usual side effects or complications include difficulty in swallowing saliva. There are also some serious medical conditions that may cause excessive salivation. Some examples include:

  • Tuberculosis
  • Rabies
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Myasthenia gravis
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Stroke

Pregnant women may suffer from the condition due to hormonal changes as well as having an empty stomach. In children, it is usually caused by the consumption of saliva-producing foods and beverages such as jams, lollipops, cakes, sweet biscuits, fruit juices and fizzy drinks.

If excessive salivation is due to an underlying medical condition, it’s important for a doctor to have it diagnosed and treated. There are a few home remedies proven effective against the problem. The following are some of the best:

Consume Dry Foods
Normalizing the production of saliva is possible through some simple diet modifications. Opting for dry foods such as toast, crackers, baked chips and cereals without milk can be beneficial. Salted sunflower seeds and nuts can also help in managing the problem, although they have to be consumed in moderation as they are high in sodium.

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Practice Good Oral Hygiene
Brushing the teeth, using mouthwash and flossing can help deal with excessive salivation. This is especially true if the issue is brought about by an infection or inflammation in the mouth. Keeping the oral cavity clean is a good way to lessen the root cause, thus easing the presence of too much saliva.

Go for Ground Coffee
If spitting is certainly not an option and you cannot constantly swallow saliva, there’s a home remedy that will help absorb excess saliva in the mouth: coffee grounds. All you have to do is place a pinch of unused coffee grounds under your tongue and let it do its job. You may taste some bitterness, though.

Suck on Some Lemon Wedges
Another effective home remedy for excessive saliva production is placing lemon wedges in the mouth as necessary and sucking on them. Especially if the problem is caused by an infection, doing this can help boost your immune system because lemons are packed with vitamin C.

Chew on a Couple of Cloves
It’s not really clear why munching on some cloves up to 5 times a day can help with the problem effectively. Experts say that it may be because these aromatic flower buds can have a positive effect on the salivary glands. Cloves are also excellent at easing mouth infection and swelling that can cause excessive salivation.

Drink Cinnamon Tea
Get a cup of boiling water. Add 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon powder and allow it to steep for about 20 minutes. Afterwards, strain and add a couple of teaspoons of honey to the resulting tea to make it taste pleasing. Slowly sip to help you attain relief from having too much saliva in the mouth.

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