How to Bounce Back After a Bad Night’s Sleep

So your sleep was disturbed last night probably because you’ve been reading Facebook posts or even had a cup of coffee, or perhaps you were just disturbed. Regardless of the reason, it’s quite disturbing not to be able to get enough sleep but this is actually quite common with many people. You’re probably feeling acidic in your mouth, bloated, or just plain tired but most of all you want a good night’s sleep. You should follow the tasks mentioned here until the time you are ready for bed.

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• Beverage. Drinking several cups of coffee may be on your list to shake off your sleepiness but this is a mistake since drinking more than two can actually make you feel more tired. What you should do is to swap a cup of coffee with a cup of tea. Green tea can actually make you feel more awake and with its antioxidant properties, it will be able to eliminate free radicals caused by malfunction in your metabolism due to lack of proper sleep.

• Nap time. The best way to treat sleep deprivation is to sleep. Grab a catnap when an opportunity presents itself. Look for a comfortable place to lie or sleep in. Ask your friends or even colleagues to wake you up after an hour.

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• Exercise. Do some light exercises as these can help your heart pump more blood for that much needed energy. Go for a stroll or ride a bike. For sure, you’ll feel better afterwards.

• Grab some sunlight. You will feel more alert by getting 15 minutes of sunlight every day.

• Avoid sugar. Your metabolism gets out of sync when you are sleep deprived. The process of sugar break down can even go haywire which means that instead of being broken down, sugar will accumulate in your body. So if you feel like you want to eat something sweet the following day, restrain yourself. This will only make you feel more tired.
These are just a few steps on how you can bounce back after your sleep is disturbed. If you can, meditate and relax at night to help calm your mind.

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