How to Keep Your Throat Healthy With 6 Easy Tips

Just because you’re not an award-winning singer doesn’t mean you have to take your throat for granted. It’s not unlikely for you to give much thought to your throat only when it already feels dry, swollen or itchy, or it fails to produce voice. Your throat is more susceptible to having problems when it is overused, such as yelling during a live basketball game or singing your heart out at karaoke bars. Having a problematic throat is also very likely during the much-dreaded cold and flu season.

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Fortunately, keeping your throat in tip-top condition is not at all that difficult, as evidenced by the following tips:

Shield Your Throat from Low Temperatures
When winter strikes, it’s a good idea to wrap a scarf around your neck to protect the throat from the cold. Putting on a scarf is good practice at it also helps keep your body heat intact, much of which can be lost via the neck and head.

Always Clean Your Toothbrush Properly
One commonly overlooked source of a throat infection is something that is used to clean your mouth with — a toothbrush. Before using it in the morning, it’s a good idea to dunk it for a minute in a glass of hot water with a tablespoon of salt.

Disinfect Your Throat and Oral Cavity with Warm Salt Water
After brushing and before you hit the sack, gargle with warm salt water than reach for that bottle of mouthwash. This is a mild and effective way to kill off microorganisms that may leave you with a sore throat. In case you already have the problem, gargling with warm salt water 2 to 3 times a day may help considerably shorten the infection’s lifespan.

Refrain from Using the Utensils of Others
It’s easy to get bacteria and viruses that can infect your throat when you use the glass, cup or water bottle of someone else with a throat infection. This is especially true if your immune system is not as strong as it should be.

Take Ginger Tea with Honey
Ginger has potent anti-inflammatory properties that help prevent or even heal sore throat. Sipping a cup of it allows you to protect your throat as well as deal with the symptoms of sore throat. The addition of honey adds more soothing effect.

Warm Up Prior to Singing or Speaking Before an Audience
It’s important to warm up your throat before your singing or speaking engagement. Otherwise, you are at risk of hurting your throat. It’s for the same reason why warming up before working out or engaging in athletic activities is important.

You can keep that dry, swollen or itchy throat from ruining your day simply by following the tips above. Don’t wait for sore throat to strike before you carry out these trouble-free preventive measures.

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