How To Remedy Sleep Deprivation in 10 Ways

With the competitive market we have today, everybody is busy. Sometimes, the workload is just too great that sleeping becomes the willing sacrifice. The effects of sleep deprivation are usually overlooked until it is too late. Below are tips to get enough sleep.

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Take Naps
The peak of melatonin production is around 1:00pm to 3:00pm. This is the reason why most people feel sleepy during these hours. Google is one interesting company which invests on this fact. Employees are given the opportunity to take naps.

Patients suffering from insomnia were subjected to a 6-week course where they were encouraged to do mindfulness meditation and cognitive therapy. At the end of the course, the participants’ time to fall asleep was halved. 60 percent of them were no longer considered insomniacs.

Eliminate Interruptions
The quality of sleep is lessened when there is much interruption. To get quality sleep, get rid of those interruptions within your control. Before sleeping, avoid drinking too much water and caffeine.

Stop Working
Working at night seems to be more productive for some. However, this habit puts you in the alert mode, where the mind is active. Instead of getting ready for bed, the body avoids relaxing and getting to sleep and works at its peak.

Identify How Much Sleep You Really Need
A lot of people have testified to the benefits of getting enough sleep at night. Although the exact amount of sleep varies from person to person, the range is between 6-10 hours of sleep. Those who have made adjustments to their sleeping patterns have discovered better health, clarity of mind and better mental capacity. The ability to stay sharp and creative is also enhanced.

No Binge Sleeping (In) on the Weekend
Despite the popular thought of catching up on those lost sleep on weekends has gone around for centuries, it is never advised by health experts. Doing so will mess up the circadian rhythm. This is the reason for the Monday blues.

Try to Wake Up at the Same Time Every Day
The body adjusts well to routines. To get a really good night’s sleep, stick to your bed time and wake up time. An hour before you wake up, the body releases hormones at an increased level. As a result the body’s temperature rises up and the blood pressure.

Avoid Blue Light at Night
Blue light is a short wavelength in high concentration in sunlight. It has a huge impact on the mood and energy level. Direct exposure to sunlight stops the production of melatonin which is the hormone that induces sleep.

Cut Down on Caffeine (at least after lunch)
The presence of caffeine results in increased production of the adrenaline. It also blocks the chemicals that induce sleep in the brain. Avoiding caffeine altogether is the key or at least cutting down on it.

Avoid Sleeping Pills
Although they do make you fall asleep, anything that interferes with the processes in the brain will result in the sleep’s disruption. Avoid working at night and refrain from all kinds of sedatives.

Keep the resolve to sleep well your main focus. Do not think that you miss a lot in life with all those time you spent sleeping. In fact, the only way to really live a productive life begins with getting ample sleep.

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