Recommended Foods for Different Blood Types

It is said that your diet should be based upon your particular blood type for the attainment of optimum health and prevention of certain conditions and diseases that can have a negative impact on your wellbeing. Avoiding foods that are bad for your blood type is also purported to help promote effective weight loss.

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This has something to do with the chemical reaction of food with your blood composition. Proponents say that is brought about by the so-called lectins, which are basically diverse types of proteins that are found in food. A problem happens when antigens (anything that causes the immune system to spring into action) present in your blood react negatively to certain leptins found in the food you consume. Although it’s true that it is not really a life-threatening incident, it could nonetheless cause an assortment of problems that are specific to your blood type.

About 95% of all the leptins in your diet are simply swept out of your body. However, the remaining 5% can get to the bloodstream. Once they are there, it’s easy for them to get to your various organs. Such is the beginning of certain health problems brought about by the consumption of foods that are said to be not ideal for your blood type.

Following the correct diet suited for your particular blood type may help you stay in the pink of health. It’s just like going for a meal plan that include foods that are good for your specific cellular profile, and exclude foods that can cause a variety of unwanted issues concerning your body and ultimately health.

Some people follow a diet that’s best for their blood type in order for them to attain weight loss effectively. When you eat foods that are said to be unsuitable for your blood composition, problems like inflammation and a sluggish metabolism may take place. A diet that’s perfect for your blood type includes food that can encourage the elimination of unwanted pounds, and it excludes foods that can keep you from turning your dream physique into a reality you can enjoy.

Let us take a quick look at the foods that are allowed and not allowed for every blood type:

Blood Type O

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Individuals with this blood type should incorporate meat and fish in the diet as they require a lot of protein coming from the said food sources. Despite of being protein-rich too, the likes of beans and legumes should be avoided. Fruits and vegetables, apart from the ones just mentioned, may be eaten. For weight reduction, someone with blood type O should avoid beans, lentils, wheat, corn and cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage and broccoli.

Blood Type A

If you have this particular blood type, go ahead and include plenty of vegetables in your diet. Fruits are welcome additions too. The nicest thing about having this blood type is there’s not really one food that you should steer clear from, except of course the kinds that are known by everyone to be bad for the health. If you wish to become slimmer, do your best to avoid consuming wheat, beans and meat.

Blood Type B

Consider yourself fortunate if you have this blood type. That’s because your blood composition can tolerate an assortment of foods — meat, dairy products, eggs, grains, fruits and vegetables. However, you should refrain from serving chicken on the table. Having a hard time shedding off unwanted pounds? Your diet should exclude the following: peanuts, corn, lentils, wheat, buckwheat and seeds.

Blood Type AB

You may enjoy a merry mix of food if you have this blood type, although you should always bear in mind that everything should be done in moderation. In order to make those excess pounds go away, you should eat more pineapples, kelp, seafood and tofu. Including dairy products in your daily diet is perfectly fine too. On the other hand, you should refrain from consuming red meat, beans, corn, seeds and buckwheat if you want to slim down effectively.

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