Simple Fixes For Your Split Ends

Split ends affect both young and old. No matter what your hair is, whether they are natural in color or chemically treated, you are always at risk of getting split ends. According to hair experts, split ends are the chief complaint of many women when they visit salons for their cut.

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Why do we get split ends? This condition occurs when the protective outer layer of the hair cuticle wears away because of external stressors such as heat styling tools and salon’s chemical services. When the internal structure of the hair is exposed, it makes the strands weak, dehydrated and damaged, causing split ends.

How can we get rid of split ends? If you already have this, how will you reverse the damage without cutting your hair? These tips can help you combat this number one mane problem of many women.

  1. Use a wide-tooth comb.
    After you apply conditioner to your locks, slowly run a wide-tooth comb through it until all the tangles are out. This prevents snaps and breakage to your hair.
  1. Don’t be too harsh on your hair.
    When purchasing for hair styling tools like blow dryer or flat iron, invest on quality and professional grades ones to prevent burning your strands. Inexpensive heat styling tools tend to dangerously overheat over time and burn ends, making them split.
  1. Be kind to your hair.
    Treat your crowning glory like an expensive fabric. Your hair will thank you for making it last longer and look better. When donning a ponytail look, use only covered elastics with no metal piece. If you want  it to look sleek, use gel and finishing spray to create a smooth finish, instead of pulling your hair too tight.
  1. Take folic acid and biotin.
    Folic acid and biotin are nutrients that build protein that make up your hair strands. These two B vitamins have demonstrated to supplement hair health, length and thickness.Folic acid is helpful in producing red blood cells that powers hair growth. Green leafy vegetables, oranges, soybeans and wheat are good sources of folic acid. Meanwhile, biotin provides strength on both hair and nails through its metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Best sources of biotin are brown rice, lentils, peas, sunflower seeds, walnuts and soybeans.  Thus, take these essential vitamins to achieve healthy, strong and thick tresses.
  1. Use leave on conditioner.
    Apart from applying conditioner after shower, applying on a leave-on conditioner adds extra protection that stays on strands as you heat-style your hair. Apply this product after every wash on towel dried hair for best results.
  1. Do the proper blow dry technique.
    Always use a nozzle on your dryer to control and direct the flow of air. Dry your hair in a downward direction before sectioning offand drying completely using a round brush. This technique will help you spend less time exposing your hair on intense heat. In addition, air drying 90 percent of your hair before using blow dryer is even better. The best option to get rid of split ends is to dry your hair the natural way.
  1. Limit damaging hair services.
    Hair treatments such as color, highlights, straighteningand perms cause trauma to our locks, making it susceptible to split ends. Limit service to one major hair concern and refrain from washing the strands for at least 2 days afterward. But if you forego these chemically induced, damaging hair treatments, your hair’s health will improve and your pocket will thank you for it.
  1. Go for regular trims.
    Going for regular trims is the best protection against split ends. Not having your hair trimmed for longer periods can cause split ends. Over time, it gets worse and travels up the shaft. That is why it is recommended to have frequent trims if you want to grow a longer and healthier hair. Hair experts recommend to get a cut or trim at least six to eight weeks.
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