Top 5 Mistakes You Make When Putting on Eyeliner

The eyeliner is the makeup must have of the century. You can create different looks with different eyeliner shapes and colors, but putting on eyeliner can be one of the trickiest parts of any makeup routine. One mistake can cause you a whole lot of time to correct.

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Prevent making these top 5 eyeliner mistakes:


Leaving it uneven:

Like our eyebrows our eye shapes aren’t usually symmetrical, by leaving an uneven eyeliner line makes it more obvious. Avoid getting the jagged and uneven line by placing the tip of your little linger on your cheekbone and swiping in a straight motion. If you can’t get this on the first try reapply again, but make sure to use less product. Take a step away from the mirror, if you don’t see a jagged appearance when you slightly look down. You are in the clear.


Thick Bottom Eyeliner Lids:

This look can work for some people, it can make big eyes look smaller but it can also make you more prone to eyeliner smudges. Too much product can also make you look like an opening act to KISS. If you want to define your eyes do not use liquid and gel liner. Use pencil eyeliner to create definition. If you have small eyes, but still prefer to line your bottom lash line opt for brown eyeliner pencils.


Brown and Black Eyeliner:

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Black and brown are the two basic colors when it comes to eyeliner, but there are also colors that can help give you that pop you’re looking for. White eyeliner can create a more awake or bright look. Nude can create an innocent but still polished look. Other colored eyeliner line blue or green can help define and make your eye color pop.

Smudge Proof Your Eyeliner:

Most people forget or are not aware of smudge proofing their eyeliners. Here is the trick. If you do not have eyelid primer, trace your pencil, gel or liquid eyeliner with the same colored eye shadow. This will lock in the eyeliner, avoid eye shadows that are too powdery though, it can cause powder to run down your cheeks. If you have a powdery eye shadow, dip your brush in Vaseline before dipping into the powder, then apply to the eyeliner.


Know the Difference between Pencil, Liquid and Gel Liner:

Each type of eyeliner has a purpose. Pencil eyeliners are best for people that tend to be in a hurry. It also creates a less defined line. It looks great when you prefer a subtle eye line. Gel liners are more intense in color and thickness. It works great for smoky and dramatic looks, out of the three it is also the easiest to apply precisely. Liquid liners are powerful and intense. It is intensely pigmented and can create a strong eye line. It is perfect for creating a winged eyeliner look.


Drawing a line on the lash line can do amazing things. A simple line can change your look and define your eyes. Avoid making these Eyeliner mistakes and work that sexy eyeliner look. If you are a beginner when it comes to the eyeliner world, pick an eyeliner pencil that doesn’t smudge for easier application.



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