10 Home Remedy for Oily Skin

Here are some tips to get rid of those extra oils. You don’t need extra cash to begin because most of them are right in your kitchen.

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Refresh Skin with Fruit

Citrus fruits together with other vegetables are great at refreshing the skin. What others do not know is that it is great at reducing the oils, too. Equal amounts of lemon juice and water can be used for the face and let dry.

Egg Yolk

A mask of egg yolk is good for drying out the skin. Apply it to the oily parts of the face with the use of cotton balls. Leave for 15 minutes. Afterwards, rinse with cold water.

Make an Apple Facial

One way to make an effective facial against oils is to add ½ cup of mashed apple, half a cup of cooked oatmeal, and 1 egg white that is slightly beaten. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice into the smooth paste. Apply to the skin for at least 15 minutes. When done, rinse with cold water.

Use Cornstarch

With warm water, mix 1-3 tablespoons of cornstarch to make a paste. Apply the paste on your face. Rinse when done. Do this once a day.


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A teaspoon of baking soda can be added to liquid soaps. Use the solution torub against the nose and the chin. This is a proven method in getting rid of blackheads and oils. White Vinegar and Apple Cider Vinegar works well, too.

Make a Scrub or a Masque

Scrubs work well in removing oils. An almond honey scrub is easy to prepare.

Mix small amounts of ground almonds with honey. With a wash cloth, massage the skin gently. Rinse.

Avoid Oils

Pull your hair back. To refrain from having issues with your face, keep your hair away to avoid contact with the skin. Oily hair is closely related to oily skin.

Don’t touch. Hands deliver portions of bacteria and dirt. You don’t want them on your face.

Use water-based cosmetics. Cosmetics trigger all sorts of skin problems. If really needed, choose the ones that are water-based.

Ban Moisturizers

Oils in the skin are proof enough that you don’t need a moisturizer. If sunblock is needed, look for the ones designed for people with oily skin.


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