11 Sunscreen Mistakes You Need To Stop Doing

A lot has been said about sunscreen as an effective product in preventing burns and delaying skin aging. No matter how religiously we put on sunscreen on our skin, if we are not doing it properly, it can be potentially dangerous to our skin.

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Take note of these common mistakes and get rid of them early on.

  1. Applying sunscreen just before heading out
    Most people did this common mistake. They put on their sunscreen when they are about to go out or swim. The best way to apply it is 30 minutes prior to sun exposure so it can be absorbed by your skin. Once you have applied your sunblock, do not go out yet because your skin is vulnerable to burn.
  1. Lathering on sunscreen with your clothes on
    Most people commit this common sunscreen blunder. They put on sun protection with their clothes on. Doing this makes them to likely miss a spot or not apply liberally enough protection.

    Here is an important tip to live by, before you go to swim or head outdoors, apply your sun protection product in front of a full-length mirror to ensure that you have covered the tricky spots like the mid back and back of the legs.

  1. Missing on the key areas of your body
    People tend to forget putting sun protection on less noticed parts of the body like their toes and feet including the bottoms of your feet; underarms, the nape, ears specifically the tops and back of your ears as well as the eyelids and inner upper arms.

    Remember to apply sun protection on all areas that are prone to exposure to protect them from dangers of UV rays.

  1. Sweating or rinsing
    If you are going for a swim or doing activities that will make you perspire, ensure that you are using a water-resistant formulation. Non-water-resistant formula can wash off the protection right away. Sweat and water makes sun protection less efficient, so reapply sunscreen as often even if it is water-resistant.
  1. Applying sunscreen only on summer or the sun is at its extreme heat.
    This is really a no-no. The use of sun protection should not depend on the weather. Apply it even on cloudy or overcast days. You can still get UV exposure without ever seeing the sky. According to American Academy of Dermatology, eighty percent of the UV rays come through on cloudy days, so don’t let the weather dictate your sunscreen use.
  1. Not applying enough
    You should apply a shot glass worth of sunscreen (approx. 1.5 ounces) to get your face and body covered with protection.  If you are using spray formulas, skin expert suggests holding the spray bottle six inches from skin and spray nonstop so you can see the moisture covering the entire area. Rub it evenly so you will not miss any spot. Repeat the spray a second time.
  1. Not putting sunscreen on when you are indoors or inside the car
    Did you know that driving could be a major source of incidental UV exposure?  The windows and windshield block UVB rays but UVA seeps right in. That kind of UV ray spectrum causes most skin aging and skin cancer.  So before you take the driver’s seat, don’t forget to lather on sunscreen protection or moisturizing product with SPF so you can make most out of your driving free from sun damage.
  1. Not using a broad-spectrum formula
    To be fully sun protected, it is best to use sunscreen with broad-spectrum formula, a product that protects you from both UVA and UVB. UVA is more dangerous than UVB to the skin as it penetrates more deeply, causing premature aging.
  1. Not re-applying sunscreen
    You may think re-applying sunscreen takes most of your precious time. Yes, it may but your skin will be grateful if you do this on a regular basis. Re-applying sunblock is essential to keep your skin sun protected. How often should you reapply your sunscreen? The recommended time to reapply protection is every 80 minutes, even if it is water-resistant.
  1. Skipping sun protection use when you are under the shade
    Even though you are under the shaded areas of the beach or poolside does not guarantee you are free from the sun. Sand and water both reflect the dangerous rays, and 34 percent of UV radiation gets through when you are under a beach umbrella. Hence, it is best to lather on sunscreen wherever you are to avoid sun exposure.
  1. Not protecting your lips
    Lips are also prone to UV rays; thus, it is vital to use sunscreen specially made for your lips. Find a lip balm with SPF to protect your lips from burning. Then reapply even more frequently since your lip does several activities that lead to washing off the protection faster.
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