17 Home Remedies for Teething

So your baby is teething? What are you going to do now? Teething is painful and incredibly irritating to your baby and most probably to you too. Your baby will chew on anything she can get her hands to lessen the irritation he/she feels. As a parent, we want to help our baby in any possible way we can.

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Here are 17 home remedies you can do to help your baby through this trial and make them feel better.

Home Remedy Treatments for Teething:

Ice a Towel– Wrap ice in a clean dish towel and let you baby suck on it to numb the pain.

Banana for baby – Freeze a banana on a popsicle stick. Give this to your baby to soothe her teething aches.

Offer a teething biscuit – Give them soft and sweet teething biscuits to relieve and distract them from the pain.

Ice baby bottle – Put water in your baby’s bottle and freeze it upside down. Give it to your baby and see how relieve she/he will be when he sucks on the cold bottle nipple.

Try pain relievers – There are now pain relievers designed for babies to relieve them from teething pain. Don’t use these medications often.

Numb those gums – Give your baby some commercial oral anesthetic teething gels for instant relief.

Massage those gums – Gently rub your baby’s gums with clean fingers to relieve some of the discomfort.

Distract them – Play with your baby or take them for an afternoon out. Distracting your baby can distract them from the pain and discomfort.

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Wet a dishcloth – Freeze a wet dishcloth and give it your baby to bite on.

Apple sauce – feeding your baby cold apple sauce will make him/her jump for joy.

Slide your baby a spoon – freeze a small metal spoon and give it to your baby. The cold will help numb the gums for a little while.

Buy a bagel – Freeze bagel and give to your bundle of juice. This works as a great teething ring and can relieve from teething ache.

Carry a carrot – Use a carrot for your baby to gnaw on. Use a regular sized carrot not a baby version of it.

Keep a towel handy – Excessive drooling can happen to your baby when teething. Keep a towel handy to wipe off your baby’s drool to avoid getting an infection on the skin.

Keep the mouth clean – Make sure your baby’s mouth is clean use a small soft brush or a clean wash cloth.

Find fruit – Give your baby fruits to gnaw on. Apple slices or any fruits that are a bit hard to bite on are ideal.

Chewing – Chewing relieves the baby from irritation and work through the gums to help teeth grow out.

Teething is a natural part of a baby’s life. Helping him/her with these simple remedies can make you and your baby happier and less crankier. Make sure that you keep everything your baby can grab a hold on is clean and sterilize.


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