Amazing Beauty Hacks for Common Problem Areas

Our skin can be quite unpredictable at times. Sure, our skin has changed during puberty but it seems that, as we age, it is still constantly evolving. Most of us have experienced acne breakouts from time to time while others need serious treatment to reduce the scars, lines, and wrinkles that we have on our face and skin. Fortunately, there are plenty of beauty hacks that you can try out to alleviate common problem areas on your skin so that you will look your best all the time. Here are some for you to try out.

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Acne treatments

Acne can occur when the pores on your skin become clogged with dirt, oil, and sweat. This often leads to inflammation which can appear as red and swollen bumps on our skin. They can also appear as whiteheads or even blackheads on the face, shoulders, back, and neck too. There are over-the-counter topical treatments available but other steps can be taken such as drinking plenty of water to hydrate your skin, sanitizing your gadgets, removing makeup, and applying the right beauty products based on your skin type.

Blackhead removal

Like it was mentioned before, blackheads can appear on our skin and they can actually make our pores appear larger. These black dots peppering our T-zone and other parts of our body can be embarrassing to say the least but the good news is that you can remove them easily. Yes, there are pore strips sold in stores but they may not work as effectively as you like. The good news is that you only need two ingredients to remove these blackheads on your skin and these are a small pack of dry gelatin which should be fragrance-free and a few teaspoons of milk. You will need to mix a teaspoon of gelatin with 3 teaspoons of milk to create a homogenous paste. Put it in the microwave and heat for 10 seconds. Apply it afterwards on your face and allow to dry. Peel it off afterwards.

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Use a mild cleanser

If you have oily, dry, or sensitive skin, you need to be careful on what you wash your face with. To minimize aggravating your skin, make sure that you use a mild cleanser to remove the dirt, oil, and sweat that may be lingering on your skin. Make sure that you don’t scrub your skin too hard.


Another beauty hack that you should try when it comes to common problem areas on your face, neck, legs, and other parts of your body is to exfoliate. Exfoliating removes any dead skin cells that are preventing new cells from appearing on your skin. It also makes your skin softer, smoother, and brighter too. There are scrubs that you can purchase from your local grocery or you can make your own using natural ingredients such as honey, sugar, and even baking soda. It is important that you exfoliate at least once a week to prevent build-up of dead skin cells on the surface of your skin.

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