Ancient Beauty Secrets of the Greeks

Have you ever wondered how ancient civilizations managed to keep their skin smooth and beautiful? For sure there were no medications or beauty products back then so what was their secret? Since there were no cosmetics available during their times, ancient civilizations relied mostly on natural resources to maintain their beauty. It’s actually quite interesting to learn about their beauty secrets just like in the case of the ancient Greeks as we might learn a thing or two on how to keep our youthful glow without relying heavily on modern cosmetics.

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If you are wondering what beauty secrets we can learn from the Greeks, here are a few that are worth mentioning.

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Herbal baths. Grecian ladies loved herbal baths as do their athletes as it was a way for them to relax their muscles and loosen up stiff joints. Fast forward to today, these herbal baths are quite similar to the salt baths that we take when we’re suffering from muscle aches and pains. The bath salts that they use contain sea salt, herbs, and flowers which are the same that are being used today.
Lemons. Lightening one’s hair was also a trend back in the ancient times and since there were no hair dyes yet, the Greeks relied on lemon and the sun to make their hair a shade lighter. They applied lemon juice on their hair then walked around under the sun to help bleach their hair. Vinegar was used in the same manner which, surprisingly, is still being used today.
Almond oil. This particular oil symbolized hope and patience in the Greek Mythology and was commonly used to strengthen one’s hair and to hydrate the skin. The almond oil is rich in palmitic, linoleic, and oleic acids as well as vitamin K and E which are believed to nourish the skin from deep within. It’s no wonder that the Greeks used it frequently. Today, this is one of the most popular carrier oils when it comes to using essential oils for health and beauty.
Honey. The Greeks loved their pale skin and rosy cheeks and were delighted to find that honey had bleaching properties that can help lighten their skin. What they did was to combine honey with some olive oil then applied it on their skin. This natural skin care treatment helped keep their skin smooth and blemish free which is why it is worth trying out if you want to achieve a fairer looking skin.
Clay. Another beauty secret that the Greeks used during the ancient times was clay. One reason behind this is that natural clay contains minerals that can help cleanse the skin from impurities while reducing inflammation brought upon by clogged pores and irritation. Today, the use of clay in caring for the skin is very much alive as beauty experts have discovered that certain types of clay can also draw out toxins that are harmful to the body.
Olive oil. For the Greeks, the olive was considered as a sacred tree as it has provided them with numerous benefits for their skin, hair, and overall health. The leaves were even used to crown athletes who won in their games. Another way that the Greeks used this oil is to provide protection to their skin. They harvested the oils of the olive and applied it on their skin to protect it against the harsh rays of the sun. This practice is still very much alive today especially with people who prefer to use natural methods to care for their skin.

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