Are Home Remedies for Cold and Flu Effective?

At the first sign of sniffles, we often reach out for over-the-counter medications to stop your sniffling right then and there. Some prefer to use home remedies to keep cold and flu at bay, but do they really work? It’s understandable that some will be a bit skeptical when it comes to home remedies especially with the dawn of modern medicine, but you may be surprised with their efficacy such as the ones below.

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It is said that garlic may help prevent the occurrence of the common cold in people, but there are still more studies that need to be conducted. Still, the use of garlic as a way to prevent this infection from happening sounds promising, especially when incorporated into your meals. The compound allicin has been found to enhance one’s immune system which can help combat the common colds.

Chicken soup

Although this remedy won’t remove your cold, it does give your body some warmth, not to mention slow down certain white blood cells that may disrupt your overall health. Drinking chicken soup can help lessen the symptoms associated with upper respiratory issues, while keeping you hydrated while you are sick.

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Honey has been touted as yet another home remedy that can help combat flu and cold. Raw, organic honey contains antimicrobial and antibacterial properties that have been found to help boost one’s immune system, and even suppress cough and cold. Although honey can be used by children to soothe their throat and relieve their cough, it should not be given to babies who are less than a year old.


You’ve probably heard about probiotics which are often said to improve your gut health. Probiotics are these good bacteria as well as yeast that are already present inside of us, the food that we eat, as well as supplements that we take. Consuming foods with probiotics has been found to enhance one’s immune system which, in turn, can keep cold and flu at bay. Greek yogurt is one of the best sources of probiotics which you can incorporate into your diet.


The Native Americans relied on the use of echinacea to treat various infections, so it is not surprising that it will make it into this list of home remedies that have been found effective in treating colds and flu. You will need to take the right amount of echinacea though to help boost your immunity.

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