Blackheads Facts and Home Remedies

Blackheads refer to small bumps that appear on the skin surface due to hair follicle clogging. These are dark or black in hue, hence the name. This skin condition is considered mild and it begins on the face. The neck, shoulders, arms, chest, and back are also other areas of affectation.

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As per Scientific America, around one in every five adolescents, or 20 percent, have moderate to severe acne case and about the same number will have scarring. According to the publication, post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation can follow acne lesions for people with dark skin, not to mention that usual acne treatments may worsen the condition.

In terms of causes, blackheads may result from overproduction of body oil (which is linked with hormonal changes during puberty, menstruation, and birth control pill intake), buildup of the acne bacteria or proprionibacterium acne on the skin, hair follicle irritation when dead skin do not shed regularly, and medication intake (lithium, androgens, corticosteroids).


Signs and Symptoms

According to Healthline, blackheads are mildly raised and unlike pimples, they are not painful because they are not inflamed. Blackheads, as the name implies, have dark color, so they are easy to see on the skin surface. On the other hand, pimples are due to accumulation of bacteria and debris that clog the hair follicle.

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Home Remedies

Prior to medication, various home remedies stand as frontline intervention for blackheads. According to Top 10 Home Remedies, a person can use baking soda and cinnamon to manage the skin condition. As er the publication, baking soda serves as an effective treatment for blackheads and acne, as it helps the skin get rid of impurities. To prepare, two teaspoons of baking soda are mixed with mineral water to make a paste. Then, the paste is applied generously on the affected area and is gently massaged. Next, it is allowed to dry for a few minutes before rinsing it off with warm water (presumably, to let the pores open). The remedy is done once or twice a week.

Cinnamon is another agent for blackhead prevention and removal, as per the publication. To prepare, one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and lemon juice is mixed with turmeric powder. Next, it is spread on the face and is left for ten to 15 minutes, before rinsing it off. As an alternative, one can mix a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and honey to form a thick paste. Then, it is applied on the affected area before going to bed and is left overnight. The next day, the person washes his face with tap water. The remedy is done daily for about ten days for best results.

Clay and egg white are the other two agents for blackheads. According to Everyday Roots, bentonite clay has been used for a number of skin-related disorders for centuries. When wet, this clay variant emits electrical discharges which draw out oil and impurities from the pores. To prepare, a tablespoon of bentonite clay is mixed with water to form a thick paste. Next, the person applies a thin layer of that paste to his face, allowing it to stay for ten to 25 minutes. Then, it is rinsed off with lukewarm water and moisturizer.

Meanwhile, egg whites can be used to shortly tighten pores; thus, preventing the development of future blackheads while removing the present blackheads. The person separates the yolk from the white and rinses his face. Then, he pats his face dry and applies a thin egg white layer on his skin. Next, the person places at least two layers of facial tissue on the wet egg white and lets them dry. Once done, the person peels the tissue of and washes his face afterwards.

Overall, the presence of blackheads is unsightly, especially in the face. In this regard, a person may seek medical consult from a health professional for proper assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation.

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