Common Causes of Tickling in Your Throat

From time to time, your throat may feel tickly. Well, the sensation is actually somewhere in between an itch and a tickle. It is also oftentimes followed by a cough, which means that your body is simply trying to get rid of that thing responsible for the weird sensation in your throat.

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That tickling in your throat can be due to a variety of issues, and this article will get you introduced to them. So keep on reading and don’t forget to repost once you’re through.


Being exposed to an irritant can definitely cause your throat to tickle. It can happen every single day especially if you live in the heart of the city where the air is polluted. It can also strike if you are right next to an individual who is smoking. Definitely, you may have a tickling in your throat on a regular basis if you’re a smoker.


Having an allergy can cause you to encounter all kinds of unusual sensations, and a tickling in your throat is just one of those. Needless to say, such can be blamed on coming into contact with an allergen such as mold, dust, pollen and pet dander. Different people have varying allergens, and it’s very important for you to determine what’s yours.

Sore Throat

Everyone knows that a sore throat can cause a lot of discomfort. This is most especially true each time you talk, eat or drink. A mild case of sore throat may only leave you experiencing a tickly sensation. In some instances, a tickling in your throat is an early warning sign of a bout of sore throat.


Put simply, laryngitis is the inflammation of the larynx — it’s what most people refer to as the voice box. Most of the time, it’s brought about by overusing your voice box. There are instances in which it is because of a bacterial or viral infection. Other than a tickly sensation in your throat, laryngitis may also cause changes in your voice — or you may lose it.

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The Common Cold

Having the cold can cause what’s known as postnasal drip. Basically, it’s due to excess mucus running down the back of your throat. It can certainly register to you as a tickly sensation. The common cold usually lasts for 7 to 10 days. Paying a doctor a visit is recommended if it lasts longer than usual to make sure that it’s not something else.


Postnasal drip not only occurs while having a bout of the common cold. It’s also something that you may encounter if you are suffering from sinusitis. Also sometimes referred to as a sinus infection, it can bug you anywhere from several weeks to a few months. Sinusitis can cause nasal congestion and pain or pressure on certain facial areas.

Acid Reflux

Your stomach acid should stay right where it is — inside your stomach. If it escapes, it causes what’s known as acid reflux. Those who suffer from such know very well that it can cause heartburn, which is something that can make it feel like that the chest area is burning. If your stomach acid reaches your throat, it can cause a tickling sensation.


Short for gastroesophageal reflux disease, GERD is related to acid reflux. It’s for the fact that both of them can cause heartburn, tickling in the throat and others. However GERD entails a problem with the lower esophageal sphincter or LES, which is a ring of muscle found at the junction of the esophagus and stomach.

Throat Cancer

Most of the time, a ticking in your throat is nothing serious. However, it’s possible for it to be caused by a serious condition such as throat cancer. Your risk of having cancer of the throat is increased if you smoke, drink alcohol excessively or have HPV — the human papillomavirus.

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