Eat These If You Want to Lower Your Risk of Breast Cancer

There is no food on the face of the planet that can guarantee you an existence that’s free of breast cancer. However, there are foods that are scientifically-proven to help lower your risk of battling the disease one day. This article will discuss some of them, so don’t stop reading now.

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According to experts, on average a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer every 2 minutes. And also, every 13 minutes a woman will die of breast cancer.

Because you are a woman, you are at high risk of suffering from breast cancer one day. After all, it’s the most commonly diagnosed form of cancer in women. But this does not mean that you should brace yourself for a bout of it in the future.

Some of the risk factors for breast cancer cannot be modified of avoided, such as being a woman, being older, being white, and having a family or personal history of it.

But then there are also some breast cancer risk factors that you can do something about to considerably lower your risk of being diagnosed with the disease — being obese, being a smoker, drinking alcohol excessively, having a sedentary lifestyle and having too much stress.

Minding what you eat can also help keep breast cancer for striking, experts say. Make sure that you add the following to your diet on a regular basis if you want to fend off breast cancer:


Vitamin D is a nutrient that’s proven to help keep breast cancer at bay. Since mushrooms are excellent sources of vitamin D, consuming them daily can help in warding off breast cancer.


Healthy fats in nuts are known to fight off inflammation, which is something that is linked to the development of cancer, including that of the breasts.

Olive Oil

See to it that you generously add olive oil to anything that it goes well with — it has anti-inflammatory properties that can help prevent breast cancer from bugging you.

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Fatty Fish

Making fatty fish like salmon, mackerel and trout fatty is their omega-3 fatty acids that are scientifically-proven to help prevent many types of cancer, including breast cancer.

Sweet Potatoes

Beta-carotene in sweet potatoes is good for your eyes. But are you aware of the fact that beta-carotene is also good for lowering a woman’s risk of suffering from breast cancer?


A type of antioxidant in tomatoes can impress with its breast cancer-fighting properties, and it’s called lycopene. Experts say that you should first expose tomatoes to heat in order to activate its lycopene content.

Cruciferous Vegetables

Broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts, bok choi, cabbage — these and other cruciferous types of vegetables should be added to your diet if you want to fend off breast cancer as their sulfur content can zap cancerous cells.


Each time you feel like snacking, reach for a handful of berries. Loaded with powerful antioxidants, consuming them can help in lowering your risk of suffering from breast cancer one day.


Feel free to liberally sprinkle turmeric on your soups, salads and even smoothies. That’s because this culinary spice is also a medicinal herb, and it’s revered for its ability to fend off breast cancer and other types of cancer.

While there are foods that you may consume regularly to considerably lower your breast cancer risk, there are also those that you should avoid. They include:

  • Sugary stuff
  • Fatty foods
  • Red meat
  • Processed food products
  • Too much alcohol

Before you leave this page, see to it that you repost this article so that your female family members and friends may also know which foods they should consume regularly and also which ones to avoid in order to lower their risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer.

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