Foods to Avoid for Diabetes


White flour, salt, yeast, and some corn syrup or vegetable oil make the basic ingredients of pretzels. A person does not get a lot of nutrition from those components. It is low on calorie because it is baked. However, the carbohydrates that were refined affect the blood sugar greatly but fail to satisfy your hunger.

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Snack Cakes and Pastries

Preservatives together with sugar and white four are the building blocks of baked goods. This mix heightens the blood sugar levels and promotes inflammation. Because of this, the insulin’s ability to function properly is affected.

These sweet treats contain trans fats. Trans fats increase the tendency of heart diseases and cholesterol.

Whole Milk

Dairy products have saturated fats which have negative side effects. LDL (bad cholesterol) levels are raised which results to inflammation throughout the body.  They can also result to insulin resistance.


Meats also contain huge deposits of saturated fat. Chomping on meat raises the risk of heart disease especially among the diabetics.

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White bread

Anything that is made of refined starches acts a lot like sugar once the digestion process begins.
They obstruct the control of the glucose levels and should be avoided by those who have diabetes.

Whole grains make the better choice because of their high fiber content and has a slower effect with rise of the blood sugar.

French Fries

Fried foods are great triggers for those who have blood sugar problems, especially for diabetics. Their breading is rich in calorie count. The hydrogenated oils contain trans fats which puts the health in jeopardy.

Pancake and Syrup

If there is one worst breakfast choice for diabetics, it is pancakes and syrup. If you are looking for an instant spike in the blood sugar levels, this is the starch and sugar overkill you are in need of.


Raisins and dried fruits offer a lot of healthy benefits but it will still be a trigger for the rise in the blood sugar levels. Dried fruits make the natural sugars in them to be highly concentrated.  For better health options, go for fresh fruits.

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