Get to Know Precordial Catch Syndrome, a Harmless Chest Pain

Chest pain is something that should be taken very seriously especially because the heart is situated in the chest. The good news is not all cases of chest pain have something to do with the heart.

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This article will get you introduced to precordial catch syndrome, an issue that can cause chest pain that’s harmless.


Precordial literally translates to in front of the heart. That’s because pain associated with precordial catch syndrome can be felt right in front of the heart — to be specific, it can be felt just below the left nipple.

If truth be told, no one really knows the exact cause of precordial catch syndrome. However, health authorities are sure of one thing, and that’s pain associated with precordial catch syndrome is not cardiac in nature. In other words, it has nothing to do with the heart.

It also has nothing to do with the lungs. But before the problem is dismissed as precordial catch syndrome, problems concerning the heart and lungs that can cause the very same symptoms have to be ruled out first.

Pain brought about by precordial catch syndrome, doctors believe, can be due to the irritation or pinching of a nerve situated in the chest cavity.

According to health authorities, precordial catch syndrome is more common in kids. Adolescents are also susceptible to it, too, and doctors believe it can be due to growth spurts. Other things that can cause precordial catch syndrome to come into being include chest trauma or injury and pad posture.


People who have precordial catch syndrome report having sharp pain in the chest. Often, they describe it as stabbing or needle-like.

However, it’s not unlikely for some to encounter dull pain, too. By the way, the intensity of the pain experienced can vary from person to person or case to case. Sometimes it can be mild and annoying, other times it’s so intense that it can momentarily cause blurring of vision.

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Just like what’s mentioned earlier, pain associated with precordial catch syndrome is situated under the left nipple. The pain covers the size of about 1 to 2 fingertips only.

Pain brought about by precordial catch syndrome can appear as well as go away suddenly. It can worsen when the individual breathes deeply or assumes a slouching position.


Before treating precordial catch syndrome, it’s important to first rule out other medical conditions that can cause the same symptoms, particularly those that have something to do with the lungs.

In order to determine whether it is precordial catch syndrome or something else, a doctor will ask the patient about his or her symptoms as well as medical history.

Treatment for precordial catch syndrome is not really necessary because it tends to go away on its own. However, it’s possible for a doctor to prescribe painkillers such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to help alleviate the symptoms experienced.

Some people find that the pain can be alleviated by going from a slouching to a straighter position, or by taking shallow breaths. Some people swear by the effectiveness of taking deep breaths — even though such can cause the pain to intensify, it can make it go away sooner, too.


Due to the fact that precordial catch syndrome’s symptoms are similar to that of a heart attack, it can cause anxiety to some people who are experiencing it. The need to undergo several different physical assessments and medical tests can contribute to such.

It’s not unlikely for someone who is bothered by the pain brought about by precordial catch syndrome to become lightheaded as a result of doing shallow breaths in order to keep at bay the pain.

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