Get to Know the Different Types of Burns

Not all burns are created equally. Some of them are so superficial that a few simple home remedies may help ward off the pain and swelling, while others are so severe that they can cause death especially when the major organs are involved!

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Burns are categorized into three different types: first-degree, second-degree and third-degree burns. The kind of burn you have is classified according to the severity of the damage your skin has incurred. In some instances, technically, there is also a fourth classification wherein the tendons and bones are also damaged in the process.

Let us take a quick look at some of the most important matters you need to know about the three primary types of burns:

First-Degree Burns

• They are sometimes referred to as “superficial burns” because of the fact that only the topmost layer of the skin is injured, thus causing only minimal damage.

• The signs left behind by a first-degree burn tends to disappear once the skin’s topmost layer is shed off, which happens in a span of just a few days.

• Some of the signs and symptoms of a first-degree burn include: skin redness, mild inflammation and pain. As the injury heals, peeling of the skin takes place.

• Commonly, first-degree burns require no medical treatment and can be managed easily at home. However, a first-degree burn that affects a large surface area or is situated on the face or joint has to be seen by a doctor.

• Some of the best home remedies for first-degree burn include: placing the affected are under running cold water, applying aloe vera or coconut oil on the site, and taking OTC painkillers.

Second-Degree Burns

• They are certainly more serious that first-degree burns since the damage incurred by the skin goes a little farther than the topmost layer.

• It’s not uncommon for a second-degree burn to cause the formation of blisters. When some of these blisters burst, the affected skin area tends to appear wet.

• Second-degree burns also tend to appear redder and more inflamed, thus they require bandaging as well as regular replacement of dressing so that infections may be kept at bay.

• Generally speaking, a second-degree burn heals within two to three weeks, although some may take longer most especially those with lots of blisters.

• Severe cases of second-degree burns may require skin grafting, a process wherein healthy skin is taken from one area of the body and placed on the site of the injury.

• Mild second-degree burns may be treated at home, but emergency medical treatment is warranted if the injury affects a large area of the body, especially the hands, feet, buttocks, groin and face.

Third-Degree Burns

• Of all the types of burns, third-degree burns are the worst because the damage can extend through the different layers of the skin and even beyond.

• Despite of being the worst of its kind, a third-degree burn sufferer may not feel any pain. It’s due to the fact that the nerves are oftentimes damaged as well.

• Third-degree burns may look differently, depending on the cause. It is possible for the injured skin to appear: charred, dark brown, leathery, or white and waxy.

• Unlike the first two kinds of burns, you should not attempt to treat a third-degree burn at home. It’s of utmost importance for you or anyone else with a third-degree burn to get emergency medical treatment.

• Since it’s the worst and can affect the blood vessels and major organs, a third-degree burn can cause some serious complications, and death is one of them.

Do take note that all types of burns can cause complications, not just the third-degree kind. Now that you’re armed with some vital pieces of information, you have an idea on which steps you should take when you end up with a burn.

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