Home Remedies for Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

If you don’t drink alcohol excessively and you think you are impervious to having fatty liver disease, better think again. There are actually a couple of types of the said condition — alcoholic and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

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Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease or NAFLD, just like what the name suggests, is not brought about by alcoholism. It happens when the liver has a hard time breaking down fats, resulting in the accumulation of fats in the liver. This is usually brought about by other conditions such as poor diet, high cholesterol levels, insulin resistance, diabetes, viral hepatitis and rapid weight reduction. NAFLD may also be due to certain medications like antiviral drugs, corticosteroids and aspirin.

Most of the time, NAFLD comes with no symptoms. Some individuals with the liver condition, however, may experience pain in the upper right quadrant where the liver is situated, weight loss, fatigue and malaise.

Although very common and usually presents no complications, about 2 to 3 percent of people with NAFLD may end up with what’s known as nonalcoholic steatohepatitis or NASH, which is characterized by the inflammation of the liver. NASH is a serious matter because it may lead to cirrhosis (inflammation and hardening of the liver tissue) and advanced liver disease.

While there are numerous medical treatments for NAFLD, their efficacy in dealing with the condition affecting the liver is questionable. Fortunately for those with NAFLD, there are many home remedies available that are proven to be very good at dealing with the condition. Here are the best ones:

Weight Reduction

Shedding off excess pounds is an excellent way to manage NAFLD. Experts say that the combination of aerobics and weight training is superb at putting an end to the liver condition. Definitely, you should pair exercising with healthy eating habits.

Elimination of Foods with High Glycemic Index (GI)

Reducing the amount of sugar in the diet is a good way to combat NAFLD, and one of the most effective ways to do such is by dodging high GI foods such as processed foods, watermelons and potatoes. Examples of foods that are low in GI are green leafy vegetables, broccoli, carrots, apples, pears, eggs and legumes.

Dandelion Root Tea

NAFLD may be treated with something as simple as enjoying a cup of dandelion root tea. The healthy beverage, according to studies, is capable of breaking down fats in the liver as well as detoxifying the said organ of elimination.

Licorice Root Tea

Another beverage that is known to be an excellent NAFLD-fighter is licorice root tea. You can make a cup of it by dissolving a teaspoon of licorice root powder (available at health food stores) in a cup of hot water.

Milk Thistle

It is said that 900 mg of milk thistle twice a day is highly effective in putting an end to NAFLD. That’s because the herb helps boost the liver’s production of glutathione, a potent antioxidant with amazing detoxification properties.

Indian Gooseberry

Also known as amla, Indian gooseberry has been used for centuries now by traditional healers in treating NAFLD. Indian gooseberry contains various substances with antioxidant properties, and that is why it’s a superb protector of the liver.


Everyone knows that turmeric is an amazing spice with excellent anti-inflammatory properties. This is the reason why the inclusion of it in the diet can be very beneficial for individuals with NAFLD. Turmeric is also proven to be very good at combating liver fibrosis as well as liver cancer.


Another spice that is very good at dealing with NAFLD is cinnamon because it aids the digestion and promotes a healthy liver. Cinnamon may be taken in tea form or capsules.

Flaxseed Oil

The consumption of flaxseed oil may help in preventing fat accumulation in the liver. The healthy oil is also said to protect the liver cells from damage. So go ahead and drizzle your raw veggie salad with flaxseed oil to combat NAFLD.


Because of the rich antioxidant content of cilantro, it is highly effective in treating and preventing NAFLD. Also known as coriander, this very popular herb is also said to be an excellent diabetes fighter.

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