How Avocados Can Benefit You

Classified in the flowering plant family Lauraceae, along with bay laurel, camphor, and cinnamon, avocados have a number of health benefits.

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Fats are important to the body, as they provide insulation against cold. According to WH Foods, avocados are sources of carotenoids, orange-yellow pigments that aid in the absorption of fat into the cells. This can be associated to the prevention of obesity. Researchers have performed experiments that involves the inclusion of avocado to meal choices like salads, carrots, green leafy vegetables, and tomato sauce. Different studies utilized varying amounts of avocado, though the standard amount was approximately one cup or one small to medium avocado, which provides 20 to 25 grams of total fat. The results of the study revealed that the additional avocado increased the absorption of carotenoids by two to six times than normal.

Avocados contain a number of vitamins, which include vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin K, and vitamin E, according to Authority Nutrition. Vitamin A is good for vision while vitamin B contributes to the integrity of the nervous system. Vitamin C is known to boost the immune system and defend the body from pathogens while Vitamin K is responsible for blood clotting, preventing excessive bleeding and blood loss. Vitamin E is responsible for having smooth and radiant skin. In addition, avocados have magnesium, which is important to cardiac health; iron, which contributes to the oxygentation of the red blood cells; phosphorous, which acts with calcium for cardiac and skeletal health; and zinc, for wound healing and management of diarrhea.

Like other food sources, avocados also contribute to the prevention of cancer. According to Food Facts, the yellow-green color of avocados has led to other studies, as the color of the other plant-based foods indicate carotenoids, along with other “bioactive” properties, which are thought to eradicate risks of having cancer. In addition, avocados have monosaturated fats that help in the absorption of vital bioactive carotenoids when in synergy with other fruits and vegetables. Overall, this will significantly decrease the risk of cancer.

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Avocados can be part of a diabetic’s diet, according to California Avocados. As per the publication, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends a healthy eating habit as an integral component in diabetes management. In fact, a one-ounce serving of avocado, which is equivalent to one-fifth of a medium avocado, provides good fats called mono and polyunsaturated fats. As part of a diabetic diet plan, good fats can replace saturated fats. Also, avocados have dietary fiber, which is also essential to the nutrition of people with diabetes. According to Authority Nutrition, avocados have high fiber content, which is about seven percent by weight. As per the publication, it is comparably high than other food choices. Dietary fiber is not broken down and digested by the body; thus, it does not elevate the blood sugar in the blood.

The heart will also get benefits from avocados. According to Authority Nutrition, eating avocados can lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, as it is known that elevated levels of these particles contribute to the development of heart ailments. As per the publication, several human controlled trials have demonstrated the impact of avocado to the risk factors affecting cardiac health. The studies involved two groups of people, with one group instructed to eat avocados. The results showed that effects of the fruit’s contents to their blood markers (indicators) or cardiac health over time. Blood tests revealed that there were reduction of cholesterol, blood triglycerides, and low density lipoproteins (bad cholesterol), along with an increase in high density lipoproteins (good cholesterol).

With these benefits people can get from avocados, it is important to include the fruit in the grocery list.

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