How to Prevent Pregnancy Stretch Marks

Most if not all women run the risk of getting stretch marks post-pregnancy. Though these lines are relatively painless and not harmful, the appearance of such on the skin can be rather unsightly. If you’re a new mom who’s worried about getting stretch marks all over right after the delivery of your baby, then here are some tips to help in the prevention of stretch marks.

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1. Drink lots of water. Not only will this keep you hydrated throughout the day, it will also help keep you feeling light and refreshed. 8-10 glasses of water a day is the recommended amount that you should target. Remember that hydrated skin makes it more elastic, healthier and less prone to stretch marks.

2. Maintain a healthy diet. Foods that are rich in antioxidants are great in maintaining the elasticity of the skin. Vitamins A, E and omega-3 fatty acids are also helpful in maintaining good skin.

3. Be attentive of your weight. If you gain too much weight while you are pregnant, there will be higher chances of you getting stretch marks.

4. Do mild exercises and do it regularly. This activity will help retain your skin’s elasticity. It can also improve the circulation of your blood and prevent you from piling on too much weight.

5. Moisturize your skin. Hydrate the parts of your skin where you’ll most likely get stretch marks. Choose products that are especially formulated for pregnant women. Coconut oil is recommended and steer clear of products that contain harsh chemicals that can dry your skin out.

6. Do a bit of dry-brushing. Get a dry brush, one that is made from natural fibers and start brushing your skin from the legs up to your heart. Take a shower after to slough off the dead skin cells you may have had after brushing.

7. For existing stretch marks, start treating them with the following:
a. Creams containing glycolic acids or retinoids
b. Application of baby oil to the affected areas three times a day
c. Massage baking soda to areas where there are stretch marks

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