Make Time for Thyme: Health and Overall Wellness Benefits of the Herb

Thyme is an herb of many faces. It can be utilized as a natural remedy to various medical conditions and as seasoning in several culinary dishes. Aside from that, it also serves as a great ornamental plant to add to your growing garden of lovely flora.

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Historically, thyme has been utilized by different civilizations like the Egyptians who used it as a critical part of their embalming practices and the Greeks who made it popular as incense.

Scientifically known as thymus vulgaris, thyme is an herb from the mint family. It has a distinctive taste that had been popular from chefs to regular house wives. It is also known for its numerous health and wellness benefits that you would surely want to know about. Here are some of them.

Thyme as Tincture
Thyme has been proven by British researchers from England’s Leeds Metropolitan University to prevent acne breakouts. According to head researcher Dr. Margarita Gomez-Escalada, thyme tincture is made by soaked the herb in alcohol for several days or even weeks. After conducting several tests, researchers concluded that thyme tincture is better anti-acne solution that over-the-counter products like benzoyl peroxide since it has higher antibacterial effects on acnes.

Thyme Lowers Blood Pressure
An specific specie of thyme known as the Thymus linearis Benth found in the dry lands of Afghanistan and Pakistan have been recently studied by a band of scientists from the University of Belgrade and was proven to reduce the heart rate of lab rats diagnosed with high blood pressure. Aside from that, it was also found to be effective in lowering cholesterol levels, making it a great substitute for salt in your recipes.

Thyme in Bacterial Infection Prevention
Researchers from Portugal’s Center of Studies of Animal and Veterinary Sciences found out that essential oils extracted from aromatic plants like thyme are effective in avoiding the growth of illness-causing bacteria in food. According to the study, thyme can be used as a preservative—even at very low amounts— to prevent bacteria like Enterococcus, Escherichia, Staphylococcus, and Pseudomonas genera from developing in the food. It is also considered an efficient preservative even against antibiotics resistant strains of bacteria.

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Thyme as Treatment for Yeast Infection
Thyme is also an effective yeast infection treatment. Caused by the fungus called Candida albicans, yeast infection affects the patient’s mouth and/or vagina. Experts from Italy’s University of Turin revealed in the journal Planta Medica that the oil extracted from famous herb can be used in cleansing the infection by effectively killing the C. albicans.

Thyme as Protection from Colon Cancer
A team of scientists from Portugal’s Universidade Nova de Lisboa found out that a particular specie of thyme known as the Mastic Thyme (scientific name: Thymus mastichina L.) can help protect you against colon cancer. This is after the experts analyzed the cytotoxicity-guided activity in the colons.

Thyme as Breast Cancer Treatment
Oncologists at Turkey’s Celal Bayar University found out that Wild Thyme—scientifically known as Thymus serpyllum—is an affordable and effective treatment for breast cancer. This is because this particular specie of the herb causes death in cancer cells in the breasts without altering the patient’s DNA. The study published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer claimed that this herb is “a promising candidate in the development of novel therapeutic drugs for breast cancer treatment.”

Thyme Stops Coughing
Essential oils as well as leaves from thyme had been used as a natural cough remedy. It is also known to alleviate other symptoms of acute bronchitis such as sore throat if used as tea and mixed with ivy leaves.

Thyme as Pesticide
Many pesticide brands have been adding thyme oil in their products because aside from being a great anti-bacterial solution, it also targets rats, mice and other animals that are considered pests. It can also repel mosquitoes.

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