Natural Remedies for Opiate Addiction

Opiates can be quite addicting. Aside from being very challenging to quit, one of the major problems with addiction to these painkillers is it can cause significant damage to the body, most especially the brain.

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Discontinuation of opiates is not an easy task. Such is made extra difficult by the fact that there are withdrawal symptoms that the individual has to face head on after abruptly stopping or reducing the intake of opiates after several weeks, months or years of heavy usage. Nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping, diarrhea, anxiety, muscle aches and insomnia are just a few of the many withdrawal effects.

One of the best ways to deal with opiate addiction is to effectively manage the various withdrawal symptoms while at the same time carrying out activities that can help further the desire of the individual to overcome the addiction. Luckily, there are a handful of natural remedies for opiate addiction.

Doing a Slow and Gradual Reduction in Dosages

Quitting the intake of opiates abruptly can produce a host of intense withdrawal effects because the body needs to adjust to the sudden absence of painkillers in the system. By doing the taper technique which involves slowly and gradually reducing the dosages of opiates taken, the different withdrawal symptoms can be kept to a minimum. During the process of tapering, it’s important for the person to avoid going back to the previous higher dosages taken.

Altering Some of the Habits Developed

Anyone who is addicted to opiates and wants to turn his or her back to the problem should not only gradually ditch these painkillers but also certain habits formed during the course of the addiction. For instance, the individual should look for healthier alternatives to taking opiates before bedtime just to get some sleep. The intake of tart cherry juice and chamomile tea are some wonderful examples of beating insomnia naturally.

Undergoing Psychotherapy to Overcome the Psychological Component

It’s not just the body that can be addicted to opiates, but also the mind. That is why it’s important to properly deal with the psychological aspect of the addiction while managing the physical components. Psychotherapy treatment can be provided by an expert such as a psychologist or psychiatrist. Through this mode of treatment, the various issues which compel the individual to get addicted to opiates can be dealt with properly and effectively.

Attending Support Groups

Talking with other people who are also addicted to opiates can be very beneficial for the individual who wishes to scrap the addiction in an all-natural way. Certainly, people going through the same ordeals are the ones who can fully identify with and understand the person with opiate addiction. Attending group discussions allows the individual to obtain support as well as enjoy camaraderie, making it easier to ride out the withdrawal effects and quit the addiction.

Subscribing to Effective Detoxification Programs

Long-term intake of opiates and in higher doses causes the various chemical contents of these painkillers to accumulate in the body. Their flushing out is a crucial part of an effective plan to get rid of the addiction. Eliminating these chemicals can be safely accelerated with the help of some tried-and-tested detoxification programs. Commonly, various herbs are used alongside vitamins and minerals that promote faster recovery from the withdrawal effects.

Relying on Painkillers Coming from Nature

While gradually getting rid of opiate addiction, the individual has to face various withdrawal effects and they may include body aches and pains. Dealing with them, fortunately, can be done with the help of some of nature’s most potent painkillers, thus saving the person from the need to take high doses of pharmaceutical treatments. Turmeric, ginger, holy basil, cranberry juice, capsaicin in red peppers, cherries and peppermint are some excellent examples.

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