Natural Remedies for Rashes

When the skin’s texture undergoes changes and red bumps suddenly occur, this outbreak is more commonly called a skin rash. Their causes vary from being allergic reactions to results of infection.

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Allergic rash fall can either be systemic or dermal. A systemic allergy is triggered by what is ingested and a dermal allergy is the result of skin contact with the allergen.

When reactions occur, here are some effective treatments for rashes:

• Crush a tablespoon of poppy seeds, and then mix it with a teaspoon of water plus a teaspoon of lime juice. Afterwards, apply it to the rash.

• Two of the most effective substances against allergies are rawhoney and raw apple cider vinegar. Mix a tablespoon of each with water.

• Vitamin C and its strong antioxidant qualities heal the rashes. They also reduce the risks of allergic reactions.

• Application of mashed almond leaves to the area affected by rash is another effective treatment.

• An oatmeal bath is a traditional cure for skin rash and itch. A cup of uncooked oatmeal is poured into the bathwater.

• Added with a tablespoon of olive oil, a pinch of salt and pepper, and two cloves of garlic can be used on the rash.

• Cod liver oil and Vitamin are also mixed and used to eliminate rash. They have been found effective, too.

• Chamomile tea washed on the area of the rash is one good remedy.

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