Natural Remedies for Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a type of sleeping disorder where a person’s breathing is disrupted or interrupted while sleeping. This can last for 10 seconds or more and can happen regularly when sleeping. This sleep disorder may be due to a blockage or narrowing of the airways in the mouth, throat, or nose. It is also possible that the brain fails to send signals to the breathing muscles hence sleep apnea occurs.

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Among the symptoms of sleep apnea include daytime sleepiness, lack of proper sleep, loud snoring, gasping for breath, insomnia, and dry mouth just to name a few. For those who have sleep apnea, these natural remedies might help alleviate your problem so you that you will be able to get a good night’s sleep.

Chamomile. Chamomile is a type of herb that can help with sleep apnea. The chemical compounds present in this plant contain muscle relaxants and can trigger sedation so you will feel sleepy. Its anti-inflammatory properties can help open up the airways to reduce sleep apnea.

Change your sleeping position. If you sleep on your back, you are actually encouraging the muscles on your throat to close up hence you experience difficulty in breathing when you’re sleeping. What’s more, your tongue falls back towards your throat causing further obstruction. By sleeping on your side, you are actually reducing your chances of triggering apnea and if you remove some pillows, your neck will be on a more natural angle thus minimizing sleep apnea.

Garlic. Another natural remedy that can help with your sleep apnea is garlic. Garlic is known to contain anti-inflammatories which can minimize the inflammation in your respiratory system so that it will be easier for you to breath. It can also reduce snoring and enlarged tonsils. For this treatment, take 2 to 3 cloves of garlic when your stomach is empty and follow this up with a glass of water. Repeat this treatment until your sleep apnea subsides.

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Magnesium. This mineral plays a role in muscle regulation which means you need to get more magnesium into your system if you want to alleviate sleep apnea. Keep in mind that sleep apnea is usually triggered when there is a problem in the upper muscles of your throat. You can take magnesium supplements or you can add foods that are high in this mineral to your diet.

Peppermint. Another natural remedy that you can use to combat sleep apnea is peppermint. This herb contains anti-inflammatories which can reduce inflammation so that you will be easier for you to breathe when you are asleep. Just add a few drops of peppermint essential oil in a glass of water then gargle with it. Do this treatment before going to bed. You can also drink peppermint tea to help alleviate your sleep apnea problem.

Epsom salt bath. Naturopathic experts recommend that people with sleep apnea should take an Epsom salt bath before they go to bed as it will help reduce their breathing problems. One reason behind this is that this salt bath contains magnesium that helps relax the muscles. When your muscles are relaxed, you will have a much better chance of sleeping without waking up because of difficulty in breathing. For this treatment, just add 2 cups of Epsom salt in your bath water then soak in it for 20 minutes to an hour before you go to bed.

These are just a few examples of natural remedies that can help clear up sleep apnea including its symptoms. You can try these out to see which one works best for you.

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