Natural Remedies to Ease Menopause Symptoms

Irregularity in the menstrual cycle (e.g. heavier than usual bleeding), sudden heat in the body, itching of your privates and feeling uneasy or pain during intercourse are just a few of the common symptoms of menopause. These symptoms are a silent danger to your health and may even interfere with your daily life. Women who go through this are prone to fatal brain damage.

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Below are a variety of choices that might help treat these symptoms.

Sudden heat in the body women experience is termed “hot flushes.” An hour or three of exercise, walking or lifting weights considerably reduces the heat felt. At the same time, it also prevents osteoporosis.

Chaste Tree Berry
Europeans use an herb called Chasteberry that restore progesterone levels and thus relieve menopausal symptoms. Follow the instructions of the manufacturer. If you are diabetic or suffer from other health symptoms, it is recommended that you consult a doctor before ingesting more than 400 IU vitamin E.

There is an Estrogen able to ease menopausal symptoms and lessen bone loss; it is called “isoflavones.” Varying amounts of isoflavones can be found in soy foods such as soy milk and tofu. Make it a point to acquire 30-50 mg of isoflavones every single day.

St. John’s Wort and Black Cohosh
This herb has an excellent reputation when it comes to combatting insomnia and depression. It comes in many forms such as tablets, capsules, and tinctures. As per the quantity, adhere to the manufacturer’s instructions. Please be advised that there may be harmful secondary results like severe skin rash. Combining St John’s wort with black cohosh produces greater positive results.

Although this natural method is backed with uncertainty, some suggest that women who experience menopause symptoms do give it a try. Acupuncture relieves menopause symptoms and insomnia.

Red Clover Tea
Hormone replacement therapy is now unnecessary all credit due to red clover tea. Phytoestrogens, found in red clover tea, reduce all the menopause symptoms and a majority of women discover this method the most effective.

Above, we have indicated that a helpful Estrogen can be found in soy foods. The wonder food that is flaxseed also holds a plant Estrogen. Mix it with a tablespoon or two of cereal before grinding in a spice grinder. For women having heavy periods, this does NOT apply to you as the case may worsen.

If you dislike the methods mentioned, taking a high dosage of Vitamin E is an alternative. As per the black cohosh, do not confuse it with the very harmful blue one.

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