Rescue Skin from Sunburn with Natural Remedies

We all look forward to summer as it means more time to enjoy the outdoors, go swimming in the ocean or pool, as well as enjoy some cool and refreshing drinks. However, summer also means high risk of suffering from sunburn. Yes, those painful rashes that are hot to the touch that tend to appear when we expose our skin to too much sun, that’s sunburn.

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Fortunately, you can get relief from this skin problem using home remedies like the ones below.

Cool water. If you want to get relief from your sunburn fast, soak in a tub filled with cool water. Take note, cool not cold, as the temperature will help relieve you of the pain and heat. You can also apply a moist compress on the affected area but make sure that you don’t scrub or use any oils for the meantime.

Potato. Another possible home remedy to quickly soothen the affected skin is to slice some potatoes and rub them gently on your sunburn. You can also make a paste with this ingredient by grinding a few slices of it. Apply the paste on your skin and leave it on for hours or until it has dried. Rinse afterwards.

Oatmeal. You should also try oatmeal for your sunburn as it can cool and soothe the damaged area of your skin. Just add a cup of finely ground oatmeal to your bathwater and soak for a few minutes. You can grind the quick cook oatmeal using a processor or grinder until it turns smooth and fine in consistency. Add to your bath water then jump in and let your body soak in the treatment.

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Honey. Another home remedy that will help treat sunburn fast is honey. The anti-inflammatory properties of this ingredient can reduce the swelling in your skin while soothing the pain away. All that you have to do is to apply a thin layer of honey on your sunburn and let it set for an hour before rinsing with tepid water. You can repeat this treatment several times in the day if you like to help alleviate the pain and discomfort from your sunburn.

Milk. If you have milk on hand, you’re in luck. This ingredient is actually a good home remedy to treat your sunburned skin. Just soak a cotton gauze or clean washcloth in milk then place on your sunburn. The milk will produce a protein film that will reduce the heat emanating from your sunburn while minimizing the discomfort that you are feeling because of your burnt skin.

Yogurt. Yogurt is typically associated with weight loss and healthy digestion but did you know that it is also a useful treatment for sunburn? You will need to wash your hands first before you apply yogurt on your sunburned skin to avoid leaving bacteria on your inflamed skin. Leave it on for 5 to 10 minutes then rinse afterwards with fresh water. Repeat this treatment as you deem necessary.

Apple cider vinegar. You can also try apple cider vinegar as part of your home remedy for sunburn as the acetic acid that is present in vinegar is known to alleviate inflammation, pain, as well as itching. Just add a cup of your apple cider vinegar to your bath water and soak for a few minutes. The pain will reduce in no time as is the heat that is coming from your skin. 

As you can see, there are plenty of remedies that you can take advantage of when you have sunburn during the summer. If you don’t have any ointments or creams on hand, these remedies are definitely worth trying out.

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