Self Tanning Home Remedies

You need not go to the beach to tan your skin. You don’t even have to go outside your house unless of course you would buy the necessary items which you do not possess. We’re talking about stuff here that can normally be found in most houses.

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After a rejuvenating bath or shower and before applying a self tanner, exfoliate your skin. The purpose of exfoliating is to remove the ten or maybe even hundred thousand of dead skin cells from the epidermis. The body is exfoliated in a different manner than the face.
• Body exfoliation: With a natural bristled brush, exfoliate in circular motions starting from your legs and working up to your chest.
• Facial exfoliation: For people with a sensitive skin, use a gentle, everyday cleanser. Place a soft washcloth on your face, for a minute or two, soaked with warm water after squeezing to unfasten the pores. Apply the cleanser, liquid onto the soft washcloth and then gently rub in a circular motion starting from the nose and forehead then working up to your entire face. Afterwards, rinse your face, pat dry, and apply a moisturizing cream.
• Facial exfoliation: For people with oily skin, use a skin care brush to scrub your face in the evening every day. But before brushing, go to your trusted department store and buy a glycolic pad. Glycolic pads remove excess oil and acid. You can only use glycolic pads after brushing. Lastly, apply a moisturizer and sunscreen to emulate sun sensitivity.

Mix up two tablespoons of olive oil with a cup of warm brew leftovers. Apply the mixture wherever you wish. After 15 minutes have passed, you can wash it off.

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Homemade Self Tanner:
Get a hold of your favorite lotion and mix it with ¼ cup of Hershey’s baking cocoa (or whatever cocoa powder). Spread the mixture on your skin, but don’t let it remain on your skin for more than 15 minutes otherwise you may end up with an orange skin instead of a tan.

The good thing about improvising something to tan your skin with is that you are guaranteed not to get sunburn and if it fails, since your skin was not tanned by natural means, the error will eventually disappear within a few days. Be careful not to overdo these methods or you may end up with an overly orange skin or something else unlikable happens.

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