Simple Home Remedies for Spider Bites

Unless you are very certain that you were not bitten by a poisonous black widow, brown recluse or hobo spider, there is no need to panic. Most spider bites do not require you to rush to the nearest hospital to get an anti-venom shot. However, it doesn’t mean that a non-poisonous bite won’t cause pain and swelling because it’s very likely to cause these things!

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There are numerous very effective home remedies for spider bites that can help provide relief from the various signs and symptoms. Before trying any one of them, it’s a good idea to immediately and thoroughly wash the bite area with soap and water to kill off bacteria and prevent getting the wound infected.

Wash the Area with Hydrogen Peroxide

Even if the spider that bit you isn’t venomous, you are still at risk of infection. It’s a good measure to wash the bitten area with hydrogen peroxide after having it cleansed with soap and water. You can have peace of mind when you know that the wound is completely free of bacteria that may cause an infection.

Place Chopped Up Cabbage on the Bite

Grab a fresh cabbage leaf and slice it up into very small pieces. Place them on the spider bite and secure in place with an elastic bandage. Do this just before you hit the sack to help deal with the swelling of the area while you are sleeping.

Cover the Wound with Activated Charcoal Paste

Activated charcoal is highly effective in neutralizing toxins, and it can help tremendously in keeping both infection and inflammation at bay. Simply add a few drops of water on some activated charcoal powder to come up with a paste. Daub the resulting black mixture on the bite marks. Repeat as necessary until complete healing is attained.

Smear the Bite with Baking Soda Paste

Fret not if you cannot get your hands on activated charcoal powder. That’s because there’s an alternative to it that is very likely to be already somewhere in your home: baking soda. Mixing baking soda and a few drops of water creates a paste that’s effective in relieving the pain and itchiness of a spider bite.

Kill Pain by Applying Aspirin Paste on the Bite

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Rather than pop an aspirin in your mouth to help combat the pain associated with a spider bite, you may simply apply the drug directly on the area. All you have to do is crush a tablet and turn it into powder. Add a few drops of water, mix and apply the white paste to attain relief from pain.

Apply an Ice Pack or a Wet, Cold Piece of Cloth

Dealing with the inflammation of the bitten area is as easy as applying an ice pack on it for a few minutes several times daily. You may also dunk a small washcloth in cold water, wring the excess, and place over the wound.

Daub Turmeric and Olive Oil on the Wound

Turmeric powder not only makes a lot of dishes taste unforgettable, but it’s also very good at killing off bacteria and staving off an infection. You can come up with a microbe-fighting paste by adding a few drops of olive oil to turmeric powder. Simply daub the resulting thick mixture on the bite marks. Reapply as necessary for a speedier healing.

Cover the Bite Marks with Sea Salt

Sea salt has superb antibacterial properties. Sprinkling some of it on the bitten area can help in preventing an infection. Use an adhesive bandage to make sure that sea salt stays over the wound to work its magic.

Rub the Wound with a Clove of Garlic

Most home remedies for various skin conditions are very likely to include garlic. This doesn’t really come as a surprise as garlic possesses superb antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. That is why rubbing a clove of garlic on the spider bite is an effective way to make sure that it’s not going to end up infected.

Ease the Pain with Fresh or Dried Basil Leaves

Grab a few pieces of fresh basil leaves, pound on them to extract the juice, and apply everything on the site of the spider bite. If you don’t have basil in your garden, head straight to the kitchen and grab the bottle of dried basil leaves in the spice rack. Add a few drops of water on some dried basil leaves, mix and place on the wound.

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