Simple Homemade Rescue Remedy Flower Essences Recipe

Have you heard of rescue remedy flower essences? Well, it is a natural remedy for stress and anxiety, and a lot of people all over the planet can attest to its effectiveness. You can get a bottle of it at your local health food store or on the internet. Or you can make one with your own hands following the simple recipe below!

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Rescue remedy flower essences can be taken orally —4 drops of it can be placed under your tongue. It is administered sublingually rather than having it swallowed for faster absorption. However, you may also place the drops of it in a cup of water and consume. Up to 4 doses may be taken each day for your wellbeing. It’s also possible for rescue remedy flower essences to be employed topically — you may add a few drops of it in your bathwater.

Without going too technical, rescue remedy flower essences works by addressing problems that stem from one’s mental and emotional planes, such as feeling of stress and anxiety. Especially when paired with the recital of positive affirmations or activities that are very good at relieving tension and worries, it is said to work very well.

The bottle of rescue remedy flower essences that you can buy on the current market contains the essences of a variety of flowers. While it is very much possible to come up with homemade rescue remedy flower essences that boasts of the essences of multiple different flowers, it is a great idea for a newcomer in rescue remedy flower essences making to start with a single flower only. Afterwards, you can use all sorts of blooms of your liking!

Yes, you can use any flower of your choice when making rescue remedy flower essences. However, it’s advisable for you to opt for a flower that you feel very much attracted to. Do you grow flowers in your home? Then choose the one that you have plenty of — it will surely lend a hand in times of stress and anxiety!

Here are the easy-to-follow steps on making rescue remedy flower essences from scratch:

  • Grab a clean mason jar that is large enough to accommodate up to 6 ounces of water. Pour 4 to 6 ounces of spring or mineral water into your mason jar. It’s important not to use distilled water as it will only kill off the essence of the flower that you will add to it later on.
  • Get your hands on a large cabbage leaf and a pair of scissors exclusive for gardening. Approach the plant whose flowers you will use for making your DIY rescue remedy flower essences. Ask for the plant’s permission — let it know what you will be using its blooms for. Afterwards, cut the flowers of your choice and catch them with the large cabbage leaf. Do take note that you should never touch the flowers with your hands!
  • Place the flowers face up in your mason jar with spring or mineral water. Place your mason jar under direct sunlight for 3 to 4 hours. Because of this very important part of making homemade rescue remedy flower essences, it is a good idea to perform everything in the middle of the day, when the weather is fine.
  • Using a pair of cabbage leaves, remove the flowers from the distilled water. Place them at the base of the plant where they came from. Don’t forget to thank the plant!
  • What you just created is the so called mother essence or tincture. Have it transferred to an amber bottle and always keep it in a cool and dry place.
  • Now it’s time to come up with your stock rescue remedy flower essences, the one that you will use each time for combating stress and anxiety. To do this, get a clean 2-ounce amber bottle with a dropper. Fill it with equal amounts of spring or mineral water and brandy, which will serve as a preservative. Cover and activate the mixture by shaking the bottle vigorously and then tapping it on the palm of your hand.

That’s how easy it is to make your very own rescue remedy flower essences! Just remember to shake the bottle before using. Also, feel free to make another batch using a different flower. It’s a good idea to let your doctor know if you wish to use rescue remedy flower essences — homemade or store-bought — on a child or if you’re pregnant or nursing.

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