Strategies To Curb Your Appetite

If you have a big appetite and you want to lose weight, here are some tricks you can do to curb your appetite and feel full longer.

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Modify your eating habits. Take the following tips to change your eating habits.

  • Eat on time. Eating regularly as scheduled maintains your hormone levels steady and keeps you from getting cravings in between meals.
  • Eat slowly. Chew your food well. This will allow your brain to process while your stomach does. Eating too fast prevents you from feeling satiated, so you tend to eat more. Eating slowly lets your brain realize that your stomach is expanding.
  • Eat regularly in small meals. Taking one to two big meals all day is a dangerous habit. Opt for eating smaller meals on a regular interval to kick those crazy cravings away.
  • Don’t skip breakfast. Eating breakfast will get your metabolism going and fend off hunger pangs that lead to bad food choices. Hence, never skip your breakfast to prevent you from consuming more calories later in the day.
  • Snack in between meals. Eating three to four hours, snacking in between keeps your blood sugar from fluctuation that you feel the urge to binge.
  • Cut carbs. Carbohydrates make you hungrier faster. Load up in good fats and protein. Protein helps in sustaining energy and feels bright-eyed and bushy-tailed all day long. Look for low-calorie, high protein breakfast ideas. Keep in mind to eat lean protein for lunch and dinner, too.
  • Fill your body with fiber-rich foods. Make a conscious effort to eat unrefined, fiber-enriched foods such as fruits, beans, and veggies. These go out of the stomach more slowly, leaving you feeling full longer. Eating fiber-rich food, every morning aids in weight loss.
  • Break free from stress eating. If you are getting stressed or bored, your tendency is to eat. You are entering the danger of excessive eating or reaching for unhealthy food. Learn how to combat stress eating for good starting now.
  • Resist temptation. When you find something delicious, you immediately feel the desire to eat. It is how our bodies are wired. Keep away from fridge when it is not yet time to eat.
  • Try eating appetite suppressant foods. Foods like apple, nuts are high in fiber. Oatmeal also suppresses appetite as well as reduces cholesterol by 8 to 23 percent. Eating salad before meal slows down the flow of blood sugar into the bloodstream, making you feel less hungry.
  • Let your food sit. If you are in a buffet set-up, wait for 15 to 20 minutes before you head back to the buffet area. This is how long it takes your brain to know that your stomach is full. If you are dining out, don’t order dessert yet. Opt to go somewhere else for dessert and by the time you get there, you won’t be craving for sweets anymore.
  • Have some teatime. To modify your post meal snacking habit, sip a tasty cup of hot tea to help you satisfy your perceived hunger and keep you feeling satiated.
  • Gulp up more H2O. Since many people confuse hunger with thirst, better to keep your water bottle full all day long. This will help you consume the good stuff and avoid unnecessary snacking.

Lifestyle modification also applies in fighting your cravings and curbing your appetite. Here are samples of lifestyle modification you can do to lessen food cravings.

  • Move your body. Forget the notion that exercise promotes your appetite. Regular exercise increases the brain’s receptors for pleasure chemicals. Those who overeat may have fewer pleasure receptors. Exercising increases your body’s ability to become satisfied with less food; thus, decreasing your appetite. This provides you a reason to squeeze in a workout.
  • Brush your teeth. Some smokers who are trying to quit from the bad habit of smoking, brush their teeth immediately after a meal. The flavor of toothpaste can help resist excessive eating.
  • Sleep deprivation and being overweight are closedly linked. Getting enough amounts of sleep daily keeps appetite hormones under control.
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