Surprisingly Natural Benefits of Rose for Skin and Health

Rose is not only aesthetically pleasing but is also great for the skin and health. Roses have been used in traditional medicine for centuries and it seems like it is here to stay. Greek and Roman rulers would bathe in rose petals to improve skin health; they would extract rose essence to apply to their hair. In Asia women would use the rose petals as a natural tint to their lips and cheeks.

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The rose can be used for skin and hair care. Here are other uses and benefits of rose for the skin and health:

  • Rose petals works as a great sunblock due to its rich vitamin C content. Create a lotion by mixing glycerin, rose water and cucumber juice.
  • Lock in moisture in the skin by using rose petal essence on the skin
  • Rose water works as a great toner. Dip a cotton ball in rose water and use like a normal toner.
  • It is great for fighting off acne. Rose water can help remove redness and irritation in the skin. It helps boost healing of psoriasis and eczema.
  • Use rose water on under eye area to prevent dark circles
  • Add some rose petals to your bath water to help boost mood and lessen anxiety symptoms. It will also help detoxify the skin and body.
  • Use rose water on the hair and scalp to reduce dandruff and promote hair growth. Massaging rose water on the scalp can increase blood flow and lessen skin irritation.
  • Rose supplements are rich in bioflavonoids, vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E.
  • Rose petals can be made into wine, salad dressings, jam and tea.
  • Use rose as a natural cure for diarrhea, sore throats and fever.
  • Rose hips supplements are great for kidney stone prevention, detoxifying the blood, prevents infection and so much more.
  • Rose used internally and topically can lessen symptoms of insomnia, fatigue and depression.
  • Rose flowers are one of the most used flowers when it comes to aromatherapy. It can be made into essence, fragrance and oil.
  • Rose flower tea is great for the mind and body. It can be used to detoxify the body and soothe the body. Drinking at least 3 times a week lessens chances of getting gastric problems and boosts the immune system.


There are a lot of skin and health benefits with rose. You can plant roses in your garden or keep a vase handy. 



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