Tips on How to Protect Your Baby from Second Hand Smoke

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has determined that around 2.5 million nonsmokers, starting from the mid-1960s to the present, have died due to various ailments caused by secondhand smoke that range from heart problems to lung cancer.

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Recently, the appearance of third-hand smoke, or those that come from residues of nicotine as well as other toxic ingredients from cigarettes and smoke, that accumulate on various surfaces such as clothes, carpets, and the like, can also be a source of threat, particularly to those who have easy access to these areas such as crawling infants and toddlers who are enjoying their time on the floor.

The problem with these residues is that it will take weeks or months even before they completely disappear, so just imagine seeing your baby crawling around areas of your home where someone has smoked recently. How horrible!

Tips for Protecting Baby from Secondhand Smoke

It’s understandable that the fear of exposure to secondhand smoke is going to be high especially when you have a newborn at home, or when one of your family members is sick. After all, you will need to consider its impact on everyone inside your house, including you. That being said, if you want to be able to protect your little one from the effects of secondhand smoke, try the following tips out.

Time to quit

If you or someone in your home is a smoker, you need to discuss how to make them quit. This is probably the best way to protect your baby from the effects of secondhand smoke in and outside your home. Those who are dependent on tobacco, may talk to a specialist on how they will be able to wean themselves off from this addicting behavior.

Leave smokes at work

For those who are still struggling to quit, keep your smoking away from your home as much as possible. There are public areas where smoking is already banned, but if your workplace doesn’t have this restriction, keep your smoking there. Once you get home, change your clothing first before picking your baby up, so that any residues will not get transferred from your outfit to your baby’s skin when he or she cuddles up to you.

Insist on smoke-free areas in and outside your home

Quitting smoking is going to be tough at first, which means that you have to start somewhere. You can focus on restricting smoking areas in and around your house as the rest of the family who smoke deal with quitting at their own pace. The living room, kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom are good places to consider as smoke-free places as well as the family car. Once you have laid down the rules, everyone in the family will be able to follow for the betterment of everyone.

Consider your environment

The problem with secondhand smoke is that you can encounter it as soon as you leave your home. The malls, public transport, and the like, are just a few places where smokers can appear. If this is the case, it would be a good idea to figure out which areas you will be meeting up with a friend or family and ensure that it will not be a place where smokers are allowed. This will help cut back your baby’s exposure to secondhand smoke.

Protecting your baby from secondhand smoke is possible, as long as it begins in your home. Quitting smoking is the best step to take to reduce exposure to secondhand smoke, not just for your baby, but everyone in your home too.

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