Top 10 Foods to Eat and Dodge If You’re Acidic

Acidity can last for only a few minutes or, if you’re unlucky, hours. Regardless of the case, one thing’s for sure: the feeling is not at all a comfortable one.

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What goes past your mouth can have a huge say in your stomach’s state. If you often suffer from the various bothersome symptoms of acidity, it’s very important to mind what you eat. The following are the top 10 foods known to help ward off an attack and another 10 that can worsen acidity.

Here are 10 foods that can help prevent and even tame acidity:

  1. Parsley – For centuries now, parsley is known to help combat the symptoms of acidity. Munch on it raw or add to soups, stews and salads to keep mealtimes free of the discomfort brought about by acidity.
  2. Oatmeal – You should have this high-fiber breakfast treat or snack often as it absorbs excess stomach acids.
  3. Ginger tea – Known for its impressive anti-inflammatory properties, ginger can help soothe an irritated digestive tract lining. As soon as the first few signs of acidity show up, reach for a cup of ginger tea.
  4. Root vegetables – Their rich texture is what makes root vegetables effective against acidity. Include the likes of sweet potatoes and yams in your diet to help neutralize excess acids.
  5. Aloe vera juice – The gel in aloe vera juice coats the lining of your esophagus and stomach, providing a shield against excess acids.
  6. Bananas – Aside from supplying potassium which they’re widely known for, consuming bananas can help prevent acidity. However, some people actually complain of ending up with acidity after eating bananas.
  7. Melons – Fleshy and rich in water, it’s no wonder why melons are good for acidity. However, just like in the case of bananas, a small percentage of acidic individuals complain of exacerbation of symptoms after eating melons.
  8. Chicken – Provided that it’s baked, grilled or boiled, chicken is one of the best foods for acidity. Just remember to remove the skin where all the saturated fats can be found.
  9. Fish – Because it’s high in omega-3 fatty acids which helps fight off inflammation, the consumption of fish is an excellent idea.
  10. Rice – White and brown (which is the healthier of the two) rice are amazing acidity-busters.

The following are 10 foods you should steer clear from:

  1. Tomatoes – It’s true that they are packed with immune-boosting vitamin C and cancer-fighting lycopene. However, tomatoes are highly acidic and can wreak havoc to your tummy.
  2. Oranges and other citrus fruits – Needless to say, it’s a good idea for an acidic person like you to steer clear of fruits that pack a lot of acid as they will surely aggravate the condition.
  3. Onions – Especially when eaten raw, it’s not unlikely for onions to give you that characteristic fiery sensation in your chest. However, some people say that onions do not cause any issue.
  4. Garlic – Just like onions, a small percentage of individuals who are acidic say that eating garlic does not give them any issue.
  5. Spices – Various spices such as cayenne pepper, chili powder, mustard and cayenne can irritate the stomach’s lining and trigger acidity.
  6. High-fat dairy products – The loads of fat in milk, yogurt, ice cream and others can worsen acidity. If you must enjoy dairy, try opting for the low-fat varieties.
  7. Alcohol – Beer, wine and the rest of the bunch can cause acidity big time. This is especially true if you pair alcohol with high-fat foods and those that are known to trigger the problem.
  8. Coffee – It’s the caffeine in coffee that leaves you with acidity. Needless to say, you should also dodge other beverages with caffeine such as soda and tea.
  9. Carbonated drinks – Speaking of soda, the intake of fizzy drinks is a no-no. They distend your stomach which causes the stomach acids to irritate the esophagus.
  10. Chocolates – Caffeine and fat present makes eating chocolates bad for an acidic person like you.
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