Unclog Your Blood Vessels and Lower Your Blood Pressure with This Very Simple Solution

There are many reasons why cholesterol gets collected inside the blood vessels and impede blood circulation. Some of them include age and hereditary factors. Certain conditions may also contribute to the clogging up of arteries, such as diabetes, hypothyroidism, obesity, and kidney and liver disease. Chronic stress is also a well-known reason behind it.

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Just because the conditions and other risk factors mentioned above do not bug you doesn’t necessarily mean you are free from the unfavorable complications of having too much cholesterol in the blood and high blood pressure. That’s because a diet that is packed with saturated fats and low in fiber, antioxidants and other essential nutrients can eventual leave you facing such issues. You may also wind up suffering from them if you fail to get your everyday dose of exercise and you have bad habits like cigarette smoking and too much alcohol consumption.

Certain drugs are available for individuals who are fighting high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. These drugs are formulated to prevent the body from producing substances necessary for the production of cholesterol. Also, they help cholesterol in the blood to be absorbed again by the tissues, thus keeping the blood vessels from being clogged up.

While effective, these cholesterol-lowering drugs come with certain side effects — many of which easily outweighing the benefits offered by the administration of the said drugs. Muscle pain is said to be the most common side effect of the intake of cholesterol-lowering drugs. It’s not unlikely for individuals prescribed with them to experience skin rash and flushing. Digestive problems are common complaints. Taking these drugs may cause an increase in the levels of sugar in the blood, thus complicating diabetes. Neurological problems as well as liver and kidney damage are other side effects.

If you are diagnosed with high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure, it’s not unlikely for your doctor to instruct you to make certain changes in order to keep the problems from worsening or even help in having them reversed. Some of the pieces of advice you might receive from a specialist include:

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  • Incorporating more fruits and vegetables in the diet
  • Cutting down on the intake of foods rich in saturated fats, sodium and sugar
  • Eating more foods rich in healthy fats such as fish, nuts and seeds
  • Doing cardiovascular exercises regularly for at least 20 minutes
  • Reducing stress and getting a good night’s sleep
  • Quitting smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol

Depending upon the severity of the problems, your doctor may also prescribe cholesterol-lowering drugs. However, due to the many unwanted side effects produced by these drugs, you might want to consider other options. For instance, there is an age-old recipe that is proven to help unclog your blood vessels and lower the blood pressure naturally . Let us take a look at the very simple recipe:


  • 4 bulbs of garlic
  • 4 medium-sized lemons
  • 3 liters of boiled water


  • Separate the bulb of garlic and peel the cloves carefully.
  • In the mean time, thoroughly wash your lemons. That’s because you won’t be peeling them so you want to make sure that they’re clean.
  • After washing, cut your lemons into very small pieces.
  • In a large container, place your peeled garlic cloves and chopped up lemons. Fill the container with boiled water.
  • Place the lid in place and stash the mixture in the fridge for the next 3 days.

This is how simple it is to whip up this solution known for centuries to be very good at lowering blood cholesterol levels and regulating the blood pressure. After 3 days, you simply have to take a teaspoon of it after every meal. Gradually, you may increase the dosage as your body gets more and more used to the intake of this highly potent mixture. Remember that the maximum dose is 50 ml per day.

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