Using Tomatoes to Deal with Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are simply blood vessels that are very close to the skin that has abnormally enlarged and thickened. Needless to say, their presence can be a cause of major beauty concern. Nothing is appealing about those bluish or reddish lines that twist and turn along your legs. Aside from the legs, varicose veins may in fact appear elsewhere on the body.

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So how do varicose veins come into being? No one really knows for sure. However, experts say that the problem has something to do defective or damaged valves within the affected blood vessels. Valves are structures that prevent blood from flowing back. With defective or damaged valves, blood flows back and tend to collect, causing increased pressure in the blood vessel. This is what causes the affected blood vessel to get larger and thicker.

Certain factors are known to aggravate varicose veins. One of them is pregnancy because of the increase in the blood volume of the woman as well as the weight of the growing fetus in her womb. Obesity is also another causative factor due to all the weight that the lower body needs to support. Prolonged standing and straining such as when you have chronic cough or constipation are factors too. As people age, they tend to develop varicose veins to some degree.

There are a few cosmetic remedies for varicose veins, fortunately. The sad news is they don’t come cheap and there are side effects and risks involved. For someone who is on a tight budget and doesn’t want to take risk and suffer the probable negative effects, any of these solutions may not be that feasible.

One very popular treatment for such problem is called sclerotherapy. This procedure involves the injection of a chemical into the varicose vein, causing it to scar and eventually end up obliterated. Side effects and risks involved are pain and stinging at the site of the injection, swelling, allergic reaction to the chemical, ulceration and discoloration of the skin.

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The use of laser is another available solution for varicose veins. However, this may be employed only for dealing with very small blood vessels. Such procedure may cause permanent change in the skin’s color and texture. What’s more, multiple treatments is usually required, something which can leave a massive hole in your pocket.

There are plenty of varicose vein-removing creams and gels on the current market. However, not all of them can deliver impressive results. Many of them also contain harsh chemicals that may cause skin irritation, itchiness and redness.

With the solutions mentioned above being very expensive and risky, it’s not unlikely for a woman like you with varicose veins to look for some safe, cheap and effective all-natural solutions. The truth is you can encounter an assortment of them on the internet. There’s one that is so simple that it may seem as though that it’s going to work. However, many women swear by its effectiveness, and it requires you to do something as simple as getting your hand on some tomatoes.

Grab some tomatoes and wash them. Whether you prefer green or red ones, it doesn’t matter because all of them can work wonderfully against varicose veins. After washing, slice the tomatoes thinly. Place them neatly on your varicose veins and secure in place using a bandage or saran wrap. After a few minutes, you will feel a mild stinging sensation. Remove the tomatoes if you can no longer stand the sensation, and thoroughly wash your varicose veins with water. Try to do this 5 times a day for a couple of weeks.

So how does this work? Tomatoes contain a substance in it that’s similar to aspirin. It helps prevent the blood from thickening and coagulating, thus reducing the pressure on the affected blood vessels. What’s more, tomatoes are packed with antioxidants that help repair damaged blood vessels and strengthen their walls.

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