Usual Causes of Burning Sensation

Burning sensation can be easily distinguished from other kinds of pain or discomfort. It’s something that makes it feel like the affected area is on fire or being heated. Most of the time, burning sensation is due to an underlying nerve problem, although it’s important to note that there are many other conditions that may cause it.

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Majority of problems causing that characteristic burning sensation have no cure. Treatments available for it are often geared towards the management of the pain or discomfort. Lifestyle modification and dietary changes, most especially for problems related to nutritional deficiencies, are also deemed helpful for easing or controlling the problems.

When burning sensation strikes, it’s important to see your doctor. The identification of the signs and symptoms as well as the results of certain diagnostic examinations allow for the determination of the root cause. Sticking to the treatment course prescribed by the doctor and attending subsequent appointments are imperative.

In any case, the following are some of the usual culprits behind that burning sensation:


Characterized by itchy red rash on the skin, shingles is an infection brought about by the varicella-zoster virus. Sounds familiar? That’s because the said virus is also the one responsible for chickenpox. There is no cure for shingles, although there are medications and home remedies that can help ease the symptoms and speed up the recovery process.

Acid Reflux

Heartburn and a sour taste in the mouth are some of the hallmark symptoms of acid reflux. This problem strikes when the sphincter separating the stomach and esophagus permits the contents of the stomach to flow back up the esophagus. Antacids, proton pump inhibitors and dietary changes are some of the usual treatments for acid reflux.


Simply put, neuralgia is a painful or uncomfortable condition brought about by damage to the nerve. While it is more common in the neck and face, the problem can strike just about any part of the body. The administration of painkillers, physical therapy, surgery and blood sugar control are potential treatments for neuralgia, depending on the case.


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This medical condition of the nervous system is characterized by pain in the lower back, hip and outer portion of the leg. It is something that can be caused by a lot of things, including herniated disks and pyriformis syndrome. Sciatica treatment goal is to ease the symptoms. Sometimes, surgery is warranted to relieve pressure on the affected nerve.

Herpes Simplex

Caused by the herpes simplex virus or HSV, it is characterized by the appearance of sores on the mouth. If it affects the genitals, it may cause burning sensation when urinating. No treatment for herpes simplex exists; the goal is to have the symptoms relieved and minimize outbreaks. By the way, it is also known as cold sores and is highly contagious!

Canker Sore

Unlike herpes simplex, canker sore is not contagious. There are many causes of it — from stress, food allergy, weakened immune system to vitamin or mineral deficiency. There is no treatment for cancer sore and the problem heals on its own. Avoiding spicy foods and gargling with warm saltwater can help in keeping the symptoms to a bare minimum.

Multiple Sclerosis

A chronic condition involving the nervous system, multiple sclerosis is a problem caused by the immune system attacking the protective covering of the nerve fibers or myelin. To date, there is no known cure for multiple sclerosis. However, there are several different ways to have the symptoms managed, depending on the kind of multiple sclerosis.


Affecting only the skin on the forehead, nose and cheeks, rosacea is a long-term problem whose root cause is still unknown. The hallmark symptom of this condition is the appearance of tiny, red and pus-filled sores on the affected areas during flare-ups. While there is no cure for it, there are a few home remedies effective for putting the symptoms under control.

Peripheral Neuropathy

There are many different symptoms of peripheral neuropathy, depending on which peripheral nerve (nerve outside the brain and spinal cord) is affected. Certain medications are prescribed for managing the pain or discomfort brought about by peripheral neuropathy. In order to have it treated, the underlying cause has to be identified and taken care of.

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