Wearing Contacts? Ditch These Mistakes For A Better Vision

Wearers of contact lens have at least acquired a habit or habits that put them at risk of vision loss. According to US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, of the 1000 contact wearers they surveyed, they found out that 99 percent of them admitted doing risky habits, which bring danger to their eyes.

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What are the bad forming habits these wearers had done? Here are the habits that you are guilty of doing whenever you wear your contact lens.

1. You wear your contact lens longer than recommended.

More than 82 percent admitted that they wear their contacts longer than recommended. When you wear your contact lenses, it prevents your cornea from receiving the oxygen it needs. Thus, when it does not get the necessary oxygen, it changes the physiology of the cornea. When this happens, it can lead to germ and dirt buildup. Dirty contact lenses are more likely to bind the cornea and can lead to eye infection.

2. You rinse your contacts with tap water.

Thirty six percent of the contact wearers said that they rinse their lenses with tap water. No matter how clean the water is, never rinse or soak your lenses on tap water because it is not sterile. It can cause you eye infection later on.

Moreover, if the water you used to clean your lens is infected with a parasite called acanthamoeba, this brings more danger. Once the lens gets into your eyes and causes infection, that’s a real problem you have to face. Eye doctors said that it is difficult to treat since the infection gets too painful, which will need a longer cure or a possible surgery if it gets worse.

3. You take a shower or swim with your contacts on.

Close to 60 percent swim with their contact lens. Even if the swimming pool’s water is chlorinated, you cannot be sure of its cleanliness. So take off your lenses before you get into the pool or take a bath.

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4. You sleep with contact lens.

This habit is the biggest mistake done by most wearers of contact lens. You are increasing your risk for keratitis about 6.5 times. Eye doctors do not suggest sleeping with contact lens even if it is approved for extended wear. Never do it even during nap. When your eyes are shut with contacts on, you are impeding the flow of oxygen to the cornea. You are only putting yourself in a possible danger.

5. You wear the same pair of contacts for months.

Lenses are worn out easily so you should switch them every month, every two weeks, or even every day depending on what your doctor ordered you to do. Contact lens is like a sponge. It soaks up the elements of your tears, proteins as well as germs on the lid and they get onto the lens. Despite you remove your lenses on a regular basis and maintain its cleanliness, lenses still get worn out. They get coated with deposits from your tear film. Once the buildup form on your lens, it can irritate your eyeballs.

6. You don’t regularly change the solution in your contact lens case.

Studies have reiterated that lens case is a breeding ground for infectious eye disease such as keratitis. Poor lens case hygiene adds to your risk of microbial keratitis by 6.5 times. This finding was published in the journal Ophthalmology. Eye doctors suggest that you should put fresh solution in your case every single day. When you are done putting your lenses in your eyes, ditch the old solution in your case, rinse it with multipurpose solution and let it air dry. At night, fill the case with new solution.

7. You do not replace your contact lens case.

The same paper reveals that many wearers of contact lens do not replace their cases every six months. This makes you more prone to microbial keratitis by about 5.4 times.

You are wearing contact lens to improve your vision and not to lose it. Do away with these habits and you will reap the benefits of a having a better eyesight.

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