Get More Iron from these Vegetables Rather than Meat

Iron is an essential part of our overall health, and although it is easily found in various foods, most people are missing out on it. This may be due to the fact that this mineral isn’t absorbed easily in our digestive system from the food that we eat. One reason why we need adequate amounts of iron in our body is that it helps deliver oxygen throughout our body through our blood. If there is not enough oxygen circulating in your body, you are more likely to feel fatigued. And when this happens, your brain will not be able to function properly as well.

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Most of us get our iron from consuming meat, but you will have to shake things up if you wish to elevate your iron levels to the right amount. Fortunately, there are several options to consider for this such as:

Pumpkin seeds

These seeds contain 3.3mg of iron per 100 grams along with magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, as well as vitamins A, F, E, as well as B. What’s more, these seeds contain amino acids, along with polyunsaturated fatty acids and fatty acids too.

Kidney beans

Kidney beans are considered as a powerhouse of nutrients which you can easily add to your diet. Eating a cup can already provide you with 4 milligrams of iron along with protein. You can add the beans to your chili, or mix with your quinoa and corn, or even your pasta just to name a few.


Kale should definitely be included in your list of foods to eat since it packs a whopping 200% of vitamin C, 1.5mg of iron, as well as 512% of vitamin A per 100 grams. Also, kale comes with vitamin K which is needed for stronger bones, and fiber, which reduces cholesterol, and keeps your digestive system working properly. You can use it in your salad if you like to get the nutrients found in this vegetable.


If you are wondering what other vegetables can be added to your diet to help elevate your iron levels, then spinach ought to be in your list of foods to eat. This vegetable is one of the most nutrient dense foods today and is actually packing plenty of iron too. Consuming 3 cups of spinach can already provide you with 18 mg of iron which is equivalent to eating an 8-ounce steak. You can sautee your spinach, toss it into your salad, or add t your scrambled eggs if you like for your breakfast.


Another vegetable that you should also consider as a source of iron is broccoli as it can give you 1 mg of iron per 100 grams which is equivalent to 6% of the recommended intake per day. And it’s not just iron that you will get from broccoli, but you can also get vitamin C too. Vitamin C is essential in iron absorption which means that you are getting these benefits in a single vegetable. How cool is that?

Mung bean

Mung bean comes with plenty of iron where you can get 1.8mg per 100 grams. Aside from iron, mung bean has been found to contain copper, zinc, as well as potassium which can help regulate blood sugar levels, reduce your risk of colorectal cancer, and support your weight loss goals as well.

It is understandable that most of us prefer meat for our meals, but it is vital that you get your daily dose of iron from other food sources too such as the ones mentioned above. The beauty of vegetables is that they are also loaded with important nutrients which can contribute to your overall health.

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