Simplify Your Makeup Routine

Ladies, you know how much time you spent in putting on your makeup before you go to work. It really takes time to get prepped up to look beautiful. However, there are times that you want to spend some time cuddling in bed that applying makeup would seem to taxing on you.

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No need to fret, as there are simple makeup hacks you can do without compromising your time to do other things you need to accomplish in the morning.

Use multi-purpose makeup products.

  • Instead of using foundation and cream, use BB cream or tinted moisturizer to give you not only a moisturized face but a look of having a foundation on. Fat eyeliners can do as eyeliner and eye shadow. Using these products can save time in prepping up in the morning.

Choose buying makeup in a single compact

  • There are makeup products that are available in a single compact. This will lessen your time in finding your makeup as well as putting them on. Choose a makeup compact that holds your eye shadow, blush, lipstick.  With a makeup compact, it makes it easy to access your makeup products.

Separate your makeup.

  • You should have a makeup good for daily use and a makeup that is good for special occasions. In that way, you can easily identify a look that you want to achieve for the day at the same time you will save time in accessing your makeup.

Simple is beautiful.

  • There is no point as to why you should spend hours on your makeup. In fact, 10 to 20 minutes is enough to put on those colors over your face. If you are a celebrity, we understand that you have to put effort in glamming up. However, in your everyday routine, too much makeup makes you look unnatural.
  • If you don’t want to get noticed, avoid applying too much makeup. Don’t think that no one will take notice of the amount of makeup you use. They do notice it that sometimes it becomes a hot topic on other people’s conversation.

Get rid of old, unused items.

  • If you have makeup items you haven’t used for a year or more, ditch them or pass them over to your sibling, a friend who will need and use it. Don’t waste your money on buying several makeup items that you end up not using them. Stick to the basic. This will help you save up on money and space on your makeup kit.

Take advantage of your bronzer.

  • Using a bronzer can bring an instant facelift without applying other makeup products. Apply it on your cheekbones, across your forehead and along the sides of your face. This will not only bring out the defined bone structure in your face but also save time in putting your makeup.

Save your eyeliner for special events.

  • Going out without eyeliner brings out a natural looking you. Not putting on eyeliner helps you save time since putting this eye makeup on takes some of your time. To keep your eyes from looking tired, apply mascara on both upper and lower lashes.

Go for simple smoky eyes.

  • The smoky eye effect takes more time to perfect it. If you want your eyes to look a little fancy, we will share you this easy to do trick to achieve an instant smoky eye makeup. Outline your eyes with an eyeliner pencil then smudge eye shadow cream in the crease of your eye. Follow it by smearing the cream towards the outer part of your eye. Voila! an instant smoky eye is already achieved.

Dare to be bold and natural.

  • Many women prefer to have their lipstick only look. Doing this saves them time in putting on their makeup daily. However, if you want to follow this bold move, choose the lip color appropriate for your skin tone and always bring it with you when you need touch ups.

Use your finger when applying makeup.

  • There is a corresponding brush for every makeup you use. However, sorting through the appropriate brush before applying your makeup takes time. In order to save time, use products that can be applied with your finger.  The more items you apply with your finger, the easy and simple your makeup routine will be. Make sure that your hands are clean to prevent infecting your skin.
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