The Basics Of Cleansing Brush

Cleansing, the first essential stage in skin care regimen is considered as one of the most crucial steps in keeping your skin healthy. Nowadays, facial cleansing brushes are available to help cleanse your face efficiently and conveniently. The use of face cleansing brush helps remove makeup and environmental dirt. It is a device that can make cleansing more effective as it moves the brush head in repetitive motion.

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This battery-operated tool’s repetitive motion makes the cleanser work efficiently in cleansing the skin better.

If you feel tired in washing your face before going to sleep, this brush is really a lifesaver. This tool enables to clean as well as exfoliate more effectively than washing your face by hand. It delivers constant pressure and has timer to regulate cleansing. It exfoliates well that any skin care product you apply after cleansing are absorbed better than washing by hand.

In purchasing cleansing brush, look for brush with bristles rather than an oscillating head because this brush tends to be less abrasive than those models with flat pads. Currently, sonic technology brush is great for cleansing as this tool is most effective and gentle to use.

Facial cleansing brush works but you need to be careful in using this device. Skin experts warn not to overuse the product as it can cause skin irritation and redness. It can also lead to broken capillaries, excessive dryness and sensitivity. Likewise, too aggressive cleansing may lead to first-degree burns.

If your face suffer from the aforementioned signs, you need to stop its use or alter the usage immediately. If you have sensitive or aging skin, this brush may not work for you.

Here are some do’s and don’ts in using cleansing brushes.


  1. Remove makeup. If you put heavy layers of makeup over your face, make sure to remove them before you use cleansing brush. The brush cannot clean your face thoroughly with makeup. It can cause irritation and breakouts. Use makeup cleanser or clean towelette to remove traces of makeup before using the brush for efficient cleansing.
  2. Use gentle facial cleanser. Complement the use of cleansing brush by using the appropriate facial cleanser suited for the type of skin you have. Avoid cleansers with scrubs or harsh properties.
  3. Do proper maintenance. Wash the brush with soap and water or alcohol to remove dirt. Change the brush heads following the brush’s instructions. If the cleansing brush is not properly maintained, there would be buildup of dirt and bacteria. This could lead to skin breakouts. Another alternative way to get rid of bacteria from the brush, place the cleansed brush to microwave for a few seconds.


  1. Don’t overuse the brush. Frequent using of brush might be too harsh for your skin. It is best recommended to use the brush at nighttime before you sleep to wash away debris and oil accumulated during the day. This will help you save your skin from different skin woes.
  2. Don’t share this device with your family or friends. Like comb or toothbrush, never share your cleansing brush to anybody even if they are your close friends or family members. Sharing the same brush may possibly transfer skin disease which can affect you later on.
  3. Don’t use it in combination of manual or chemical exfoliant. Doing so may harm your skin more than you’ll ever know.
  4. Don’t use when warning signs develop. If you notice redness and irritation on your skin while using the device, stop using it for the meantime. Give your skin a few days to recover before testing to see if you can tolerate the brush once or twice a week.

If you are suffering from redness and irritation, skin experts advise to use calming products that has green tea extract. The use of green tea soothes the skin. Studies also show that green tea aids in preventing skin cancer.

Bisabolol, a derived ingredient from chamomile, is also an effective anti-inflammatory as it alleviates redness and reduce inflammation on skin. Moreover, licorice root extract and cucumber extract, too.

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