All-Natural Skin Scrub Recipes for Exclusive for Men

It’s not uncommon for most men to overlook some very important skincare routines. Typically, they just wash their face with soap and water — and they feel like they’re done! However, there is a particular regimen that all men can greatly benefit from, and that is the regular exfoliation of the skin.

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From time to time, the skin could use some exfoliation in order to get rid of piles of dead skin cells. There are a bunch of good reasons why exfoliating the skin is one of the most important skincare habits everyone should embrace:

  • It improves texture and complexion. Dead skin cells sitting on the face can cause roughness. What’s more, it can leave the complexion looking lifeless. Since exfoliation helps remove excess dead skin cells, it is a regimen that can help make the skin smooth and the complexion bright.
  • It helps prevent breakouts. Impurities and dead skin cells trapped in the pores can cause infection, leading to the formation of pimples. Men who are prone to breakouts most especially can benefit from regular skin exfoliation in order to ward off unsightly blemishes.
  • It reduces the size of large pores. As mentioned earlier, exfoliation helps remove anything that’s lodged in the pores. Once clean, it’s not unlikely for the pores to appear smaller. And once the pores are smaller, dirt and dead skin cells are less likely to get trapped in them — it’s a virtuous cycle!
  • It allows for the better absorption of skincare products. Men who buy and use in quality skincare products could make the most out of their investments if they exfoliate on a regular basis. How? By having those excess dead skin cells removed, the products they use can be absorbed much better by the skin.
  • It promotes a closer shave. Men will find shaving a more delightful experience if they choose to exfoliate on a regular basis. By eliminating heaps of dead skin cells, a smoother and cleaner shave is easier to attain. Skin exfoliation also helps slow down the dulling of razor.

These are the reasons why men should also exfoliate on a regular basis just like women. Obviously, exfoliating is not just a time-wasting, useless routine that skincare specialists and beauty bloggers recommend! By the way, it is a good idea to exfoliate no more than once or twice a week to avoid skin irritation and excessive dryness.

Men need not go to great lengths just to enjoy the exfoliating benefits enumerated above. That’s because there are plenty of exfoliating solutions available at pharmacies and supermarkets these days — not to mention the availability of both mechanical and chemical exfoliating procedures at local skincare centers.

Aside from using commercially-available exfoliating products, there are also some all-natural ways to have those excess dead skin cells sitting on the face removed. They’re perfect for men who don’t want to be seen shopping for beauty products or refrain from applying anything on their skin with harsh chemicals. The following homemade exfoliating recipes take into account the type of skin to ensure the most favorable outcome possible:

For Normal Skin

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Make a fine paste out of 1 tablespoon of milk powder, 1 tablespoon of barley powder and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Massage on the face using small circular strokes. Let the paste stay there for several minutes to dry. Once cracking, thoroughly rinse off with water.

For Dry Skin

Combine 1 teaspoon of almond oil, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of carrot juice, 1 1/2 teaspoon of plain yogurt and 1 tablespoon of yeast powder. Gently massage the mixture on the face and leave it there for about 20 minutes. Wash off with water afterwards.

For Oily Skin

Mix the following ingredients: 2 tablespoons of ground oatmeal, 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of carrot juice. Massage the resulting paste on the face and allow it to dry. Once dry, dampen with water and massage once more. Rinse off thoroughly.

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