Health Benefits of Custard and Sample Recipe

Custard refers to various culinary preparations derived from a cooked mixture of milk, cream, and egg yolk. Its consistency varies depending on the amount of egg or thickener used. It can be as thin as a pouring sauce or as thick as pastry cream. Since it contains milk and egg, it is assumed that custard is also packed with health benefits.

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Carbohydrates and Fats

Custard boosts a person’s energy. According to is It Bad For You?, the food is high in fat and sugars, which serve as energy sources for the body. The building block of carbohydrates is glucose and it contributes to the formation of energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate or ATP. Decreased glucose levels in the blood results to feeling of weakness and activity intolerance, which further leads to decreased productivity. As per the publication, a person should consume custard moderately to prevent weight gain, as well as the risk of having cardiovascular problems. Fats, on the other hand, serve as a second source of energy; the body converts fats to energy for various body processes when carbohydrate levels are inadequate.


Vitamin B and Calcium

Custard also contains vitamin B and calcium, since it has a milk component. According to Is It Bad For You?, it contains vitamin B12 or cobalamin, which improves blood health, preventing conditions like pernicious anemia; although the vitamin can be obtained through meat sources, it can be obtained through custard. In addition, vitamin B is vital for nervous or brain function, which include higher-order skills like learning and thinking. Vitamin B also plays a role in memory and its form, folate, contributes to the overall development of a child during pregnancy. Interestingly, folate also prevents neural tube defects in babies inside the wound.

On the other hand, calcium is well-known for its role in bone health. It strengthens the bones and teeth, preventing a person from having an injury. Also, calcium plays a role in cardiovascular function by maintaining proper heart rhythm.



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Custard serves as a protein source for the body. Protein is one of the three macronutrients, with carbohydrates and fats as the other two. Its building block is amino acid, which is responsible for the growth, development, and repair of cells, tissues, and organs. Thus, athletes can benefit from custard, as they need a great source of protein to help them recover from their training.

Also, protein serves as a secondary source of energy, aside from carbohydrates and fats. In physiology, low carbohydrate and fat stores in the body trigger the brain to instruct the body to obtain energy from protein. This is the reason why people lose their muscles, which are made of protein, when they do not eat at all. The body will utilize their protein as energy source.


Sample Recipe

Custard can be added to various meal recipes, such as Maple Syrup Custard Cups. According to All Recipes, the ingredients include four eggs, three cups of milk, three-fourth cup of real maple syrup, and half teaspoon of vanilla extract.

To prepare, the oven is preheated to 175 degrees Celsius. Next, the eggs are whisked in a bow until they are lightly beaten. Then, the maple syrup, vanilla extract, and milk are added and gently beaten until they combine. After that, the resulting mixture is poured into six one-fourth cup ramekins. They are arranged in a baking dish and water is poured into the dish to cover them halfway up the sides. Once done, they are baked in the preheated oven for 30 to 45 minutes or until a knife inserted in the center of the custard comes out clean. Finally, the ramekins are removed from the baking dish and refrigerated for an hour until fully chilled.

Custard provides a number of health benefits. Its inclusion to different meal recipes adds variety to taste and improve a person’s health and well-being.

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