How to Reduce Tooth Sensitivity Naturally

Do you want to put a hole in the wall with your fist each time you take a sip of hot chocolate or put a spoonful of ice cream in your mouth? What you are suffering is actually a commonplace, and it’s called tooth sensitivity. Sometimes the problem resolves on its own if it’s minor, but there are instances in which only a trip to the dentist can put an end to it.

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Tooth sensitivity happens when the protective covering of your tooth called “enamel” becomes eroded, exposing the layer underneath it called “dentin”. Aside from dentin, nerve fibers also become open to the elements. Each time those nerve fibers come into contact with food or beverage, the problem happens.

Anything that’s too hot or too cold can bring about a great deal of pain to someone like you who is suffering from tooth sensitivity. The same is true with the consumption of anything sour or acidic. Sometimes even sweet stuff can leave you writhing in pain. Indeed, there are a lot of foods that are a no-no if you have tooth sensitivity.

Brushing your teeth can also be a problem because pressure can also bring on the pain. Even exposure to cold air can be a real pain in the, well, mouth. Certainly, it is not a good idea for someone who has sensitive teeth to breathe through the mouth (or smile, laugh or scream, too!) whenever it’s freezing cold.

Again, stepping foot in the clinic of your trusted dentist can help in putting an end to your sensitive teeth. Then there are also certain things that you may carry out in order to reduce the problem, allowing you to lead a normal life. Below you will find some proven-effective tips on how you may deal with tooth sensitivity:

Try Toothpaste Formulated for Sensitive Teeth

On the current market, there are lots of toothpastes especially made for people with sensitive teeth. They deliver by sealing tiny holes in the dentin that expose nerve fibers. However, dental experts say that you have to keep on using such toothpaste. Otherwise, your tooth sensitivity will come haunting you once more.

Get Your Hands on a Soft-Bristled Toothbrush

It’s not enough that you are using toothpaste for sensitive teeth, but also employing the right toothbrush for the job. It is a good idea for you to use a toothbrush with soft bristles. Not only will this help keep pain at bay while you are brushing your teeth, but also keep getting more of the enamel of your teeth from becoming eroded.

Use an Oral Rinse with Fluoride

Most pharmacies and even supermarkets these days carry oral rinses that contain fluoride, and they can be very beneficial for people like you who have sensitive teeth. Can’t seem to come across one of those rinses with fluoride? Then simply go for mouthwash with the said mineral — non-alcohol is the best for the job.

Put on a Night Guard Prior to Hitting the Sack

In some instances, tooth sensitivity is brought about by teeth grinding. If you happen to be one of those people who grind their teeth while they’re in dreamland, consider wearing a night guard each time you go to bed to keep the problem from worsening. A night guard is available at most medical shops and especially your dentist’s office.

Avoid Acidic Foods and Drinks

Definitely, anything that’s acidic can soften the enamel, making it so much easier to become eroded. This is the reason why you should try your best to steer clear from foods and drinks that are acidic. Not only will avoiding them keep your tooth sensitivity from progressing, but also save you from experiencing excruciating pain.

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